Chapter 15

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Dark, thunderous clouds filled the sky. The ground below was dry and unhealthy. Caine was still trying to get through the barrier. "Don't waste your energy, only vampires can get in the barrier," Daniel said to Caine. Caine tried to get in once more, running towards it with all his might. But in the end, he always kept being knocked back, always being sent flying away from the barrier, the same goes for who tries to get out of the barrier.

"I have to, my brothers... I can feel their pain, they are getting tortured!" Caine said, his voice laced with fury. He banged furiously on the invisible barrier.

"I tried getting them out before, they noticed immediately, they are the most guarded ones," Daniel said in an apologetic tone.

Caine sighed, he was obviously frustrated. "I will try to get through this barrier even if it would cost my life!" He cared about his brothers, as much as he cared for himself and his mate. They were bonded for years, they spent centuries together.

"Then what would your mate do without you? If you die, she won't have her other half," Daniel tried to reason. He cared for Sylvia, but he couldn't have her; she had a mate. He wanted the best for her, and if that meant keeping Caine alive, so be it. He blocked Caine from trying to get into the barrier, and knocked him out. 

It was for his own good. He wouldn't survive in there.


I woke up from my dream and found myself in a cold and rusty basement. I knew too well that I was caged up again, and the bars were made of silver, it hadn't mattered when she was a human, but now that she was a wolf, it did. 

I reached out and was about to touch the silver bar when my wolf screeched in my head.

Wait! Stop! Don't touch the silver, it will weaken me! My wolf screeched.

Okay, okay, I won't. Any ideas on how to escape? I asked. 

Not really, the back of the wall... the back of the solid wall I mean, it's filled with silver. It will hurt a lot  if we even try to escape...

I sighed, I needed to get out of this, I just need to figure out how. I looked around me and tried to search for any ways possible to escape. I lifted my hand and collapsed on the side of the wall. I couldn't really figure out to escape, not without hurting my wolf.

Eyyy, eyy! Don't go too close to the wall! My back hurts, aww awww!

I scooted away from all of the walls, which made me sit in the middle of the small, rusty, smelly room. Which made complete and perfect sense because it was technically a basement, and basements were supposed to be all creepy with spiders and cobwebs. 

The door creaked open, revealing a young man with black hair and light brown eyes. He looked at her and smiled, no, not the nice, genuine smile that your friends give you. It was a cruel, menacing smile, almost one to say 'Hi, are you ready to die?'.

He stared at me, but I kept my eyes on the ground, knowing to not look a vampire in the eye. He snorted, "I guess you not as dumb as I thought you were."

"I'll take it as a compliment, thanks." I muttered bitterly.

"I won't hurt you if you tell me how that little Alpha and the other vampire groupie are doing to get some of the wolves out," he said with a snarl.

"I won't say a thing."

"Don't make me go the hard way. Though I'd really enjoy ripping you from limb to limb and munch you down to pieces, then drink that delicious smelling blood of yours, I need to know what you know."

I stayed silent, and allowed him to roam around the room while staring at me, wanting eye contact, but I wasn't going to give him that. "Tell me or I'll torture you with silver, I can chain you down and whip you until you spill out what you know, either way, you'd tell me everything," he growled.

My wolf whimpered in my head at the thought of being tortured with silver. My wolf wasn't immune to it, unlike how Caine and his brothers were. Suddenly, an idea struck my mind. 

The freaky messaging or call thing that the wolves do through our heads!

Just before I could contact Caine, a frantic voice that sounded like Caine's echoed in my head. 

Where are you? We just found out that you were away from your room and your scent smelled like you've left for a few hours now.

So I sent back, I don't know where I am but some vampire guy got me in his basement.

Shit, then I guess your in the barrier. Are you alright?

I'm fine, for now.

What do you mean for now?!

I don't know? Later, he'll probably torture me with silver or something.

You sound as if it's a joke, no, it's not a joke. You don't know how painful it is to have silver contact your skin, I felt it when I wasn't immune to silver yet. Your wolf will be pained a lot, and she will be out of your head to heal your wounds for quite some time; which leads to you being vulnerable, because without your wolf you won't have the extra strength, speed and transformation.

I know, I just—

Suddenly, our contact broke. I looked at the vampire towering over me, he threw his head back and laughed, just like how dramatic, cringey, evil villains do.

"Bro, this isn't a movie," I said, glaring at him. "You don't have to pretend to be some evil villain in a movie you know."

"It's just for the effects," he snarled. "Anyways, I was laughing about how your trying to contact your centuries-old alpha wolfie, who, apparently, hasn't grown a beard yet."

I glared at him, "And how old are you, leech?" 

"Older than dirt. Anyways, that's besides the point, from now on, you won't be able to use that random phone thing in your mind. As long as your here."

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