Chapter 12

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I blinked my eyes and was surprised to see that I was back in a cell. I felt cold, and the cold, rusty floor was making it worse. I inhaled the familiar rusty old metal scent from when I was from the dungeons back then. I saw a movement near the door, which made me look up. There was the man that had kidnapped me the night before, but I couldn't see how he looked like since it was dark.

"I see that your finally awake then?" The man said, a menacing smile stretched out on his face.

"Oh and don't worry, you won't be seeing your little wolf soon," he said.

"W-what did you do?" I asked, still trying to reach out to my wolf.

"Just a little injection and 'poof' your wolf is gone," he chuckled.

I wanted to punch the man in the face, if only I wasn't chained up to the wall. What did he want from me anyway? I'm just a normal girl with a normal life. I didn't have enemies; not that I know of.

I curled up into a ball and went to the back of the prison, I was tired, I just wanted to go back to bed. I wish everything was a dream. But sadly, not all our 'wants' come true.

"I won't hurt you," the man promised. He moved closer to me, closer to where the light was. Emerald eyes stared back at me, I started fiddling with my fingers. 

Gathering enough courage, I spoke. "What do you want from me?"

He ran a hand on his messy black hair. "I'm basically saving you but you should sleep for now," he patted my head and lifted a piece of cloth. He held it up my nose and I suddenly felt drowsy again. I fell asleep.


I woke up on a soft, dark bed. I don't remember being in here, the last thing I remember was those mesmerizing emerald green eyes. They were brighter than anything I had known of. 

The door opened and in came the man that had kidnapped me. "Are you feeling better?" He asked.


"You kidnapped me and your asking me if I'm feeling better?" I growled at him.

"You were shivering when you were in my basement, I let you sleep in my bed and this is how I'm being repaid?" His voice rose at the last word.

"Yeah right. I'm so, so grateful you kidnapped me," I said in a mocking tone. 

Even though I was very scared, I tried not to show it. I didn't want this guy to know I was scared of him.

He growled at me. "Just rest I'll come back later."

The moment he left the room, I immediately started looking around the room for an escape route, but no matter how much I looked, I can't find one.

It's been hours and I was just sitting here, in bed, trying to figure out how I could escape. The man who kidnapped me already gave me food to eat, but no, I couldn't risk getting poisoned and so I chose to starve.

The door opened and the man came in. "Have you seriously not eaten? I can't let you starve to death," he said.

"I can't die because of poison either."

"I didn't poison that."

"How do I know that your not lying?"

He sighed and said, "Fine then, don't eat if you don't want to." 

Then he walked towards the bed and sat down. He relaxed his head on the headboard and stretched.

"Umm, get out of my bed," I said.

"This is technically my bed in my room."

I stood from the bed and walked towards a beanbag chair. Then I relaxed on the large beanbag and just glared at him. "When will you let me go?"

"What do you mean?"

"When will you let me out of here?"

"Once the war is over." He adjusted himself to a comfortable position.

"There's a WHAT?!" I screeched. 

"The war has just begun, I came to save you from it," he shrugged.

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