chapter 8

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Jayy's POV

I looked at Sean waiting for an explanation.

"Oh right I have to explain." Sean said. He looked nervously at Spencer and Blake since they didn't know we were being beaten by our foster parents.

"Well... When you left the room to go face Todd and Jen I heard a loud slap and then more fighting. Then it was silent and I heard a gun shot. I was scared to death. I lost it right there. I ran to the door, unlocked it and flung it open. I saw Todd on the ground getting up, Jen was laying against the wall smirking and you were on the floor looking at the ceiling taking in big breaths. Then you slowly closed you're eyes. I thought I lost you. I broke down crying. I grabbed the gun off the floor and pointed it at Todd. He kept saying how I didn't have the guts to shoot. Then Jen held me so I couldn't move. Todd beat me until I was bloody and bruised up." he said while lifting up his shirt showing so many fresh bruises and dry blood. His face wasn't all that great either.

"They dropped me on the ground and I grabbed the gun again. I shot at Todd and Jen. I shot Todd in the head and Jen in the heart. They're dead Jayy. I k-killed them." Sean whispered. He looked down. I saw tears rolling down his face. I sat up and pulled him over to me. I stroked his hair and let him continue.

"When I heard their bodies fall I went to your side and kept begging you to wake up. The police came and tried to take me from you but I got out of their grip and stayed by your side. They took you to the ambulance. I went in with them and we went to the hospital. And here you are." Sean said. I pulled back to look into his eyes. I kissed his forehead.

"Thank you." I whispered. He smiled a bit. H pulled me into a tight hug. I looked at Sean and then at Spencer and Blake questioningly.

“I came to see if you were okay." Spencer said.

"Same here." Blake said. "You were being beaten by your foster parents and didn't tell anyone?" Blake asked. I looked down and nodded.

"Is that why you don't talk?" Spencer asked. I shook my head.

"He doesn't talk because our parents died in a house fire five years ago." Sean whispered.

"But you talk Sean. Why doesn't Jayy?" Blake asked. I looked at Sean as if giving permission to tell them. Sean sighed.

"He was really close to them. He thinks it was his fault they died." Sean said. I lost it.

"It was my fault! If it wasn't for me they would still be here with us! We wouldn't be here right now. We wouldn't of been starving and beaten! It was all my fault they died! I was the one playing with matches! They could of been saved if it wasn't for me being so young they would of been out in time!" I yelled through my tears. I got up and ran from the room. I grabbed my clothes and ran to a bathroom stall. I locked myself inside the handicapped stall and slid down the wall. I looked through the pockets of my pants. There it is. My hair clip and lighter. I turned the lighter on and held the clip over it. I waited until it was time. I turned it off and looked at the hair clip. I put it on my wrist. I shut my eyes tight as tears made their way out. I repeated this until I had five new burns. I laid against the wall with tears on my face and a red puffy arm. It was my fault they died. If I wasn't so stupid and didn't play with the matches Sean would be safe with mom and dad right now. They were so caring and supportive. I was 12 at the time. I'm almost seventeen in a few days. I'm going to spend my birthday alone with Sean and nothing else like always. No parents to show they love me since they died because of me.

Blake's POV

I sat there motionless. The information sunk in. Jayy didn't talk because his parents died. Because he accidentally killed them. Jayy ran out of the room. Sean stood up and ran after him. Spencer sat there shocked just like I am. I may be a heart breaker but I do have a heart. All I was thinking about was Jayy. Poor, innocent Jayy. How could his monster foster parents beat someone as perfect as him. Wait wait wait. Did I just call him perfect? Oh no I can't fall for him. He's just going to be another toy right? He's had his heart broken a lot. So this won't be that bad. And Danny wants me to not break his heart. I don't listen to anyone but myself.

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