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Blake's POV

I walked with Danny down the hall. I looked around for a new person to toy with but none of them caught my eye.

"Looking for a new catch?" Danny asked. I nodded and continued looking. Then I saw him. Jayy. That one mute kid. I smiled. He's the quiet, shy kid in my English class and some other classes. He was walking with someone. Who's that kid? Must be new. Both of them are cute. I'm getting one of them. Danny caught me looking.

"Oh c'mon Blake. Not Jayy. He's quiet and doesn't ever talk. He doesn't deserve his heart broken. Neither does Spencer. He's shy too." Danny said. I looked at him.

"Since when did you care about the kids I date?" I asked.

"I never did. It's just that you shouldn't do it to them." Danny said.

"Do you have a thing for them or something?" I snapped. He shut up and shook his head.

"Then there you go. One of them or both will be mine whether they or you like it or not." I hissed. Danny looked down.

"Look I'm sorry for snapping at you Danny, but I need to have them." I said. Danny looked at me and shook his head.

Jayy's POV

The bell for lunch rang. I stood up and packed my stuff. I walked to my locker and put my stuff inside. I told Spencer to meet me here. Where is he?

"Hey Jayy." I heard someone say. I turned around to see Spencer standing there. I grabbed a small white board and marker out of my locker. I used this to talk to my teachers sometimes. He gave me a weird look. 

(*What he writes is in bold)

I'm mute

"You were born mute? Or by choice?" He asked.


"Why?" he asked. I shook my head and motioned for him to follow. He did. I showed him around campus explain what each building is for with the help of my white board. I looked at my watch. I still had 10 minutes for lunch.

C'mon I'm hungry and we still have 10 minutes

He nodded and we walked to the cafeteria. I walked over to the lunch line unnoticed with Spencer next to me. He seemed to be shy too. We got our food and punched our ID numbers in. I sat at my usual table in the back alone. Sometimes Sean would sit with me and sometimes with his friends. I sat down and Spencer sat across from me. I saw Sean walking up to us.

"Hey Jayy." he said happily. "Who's this?" he asked.

Spencer. New kid.

He nodded.

"Well Hi Spencer. I'm Sean. Jayy's younger brother." he said perky. Spencer smiled.

"Hi." he said.

"Well I'm going to go back to my friends. I motioned him to wait. 

"What?" he asked. I handed him my fruit. So I'm left with a chicken sandwich and water. He shook his head.

"No Jayy. You need to eat it. I already ate my lunch." he said. I will not let my brother starve. His safety and health comes before mine. I handed the apple and banana to him.

"Jayy please eat it. I already ate. You need it." he begged. I shook my head no and put the food in his hands. He sighed.

"Thanks Jayy." he said and hugged me. Sean walked back to his friends.

"What was that about?" Spencer asked. "It's just fruit." he said.

We like fruit.

What a dumb excuse. But he seemed to buy it. I ate my chicken sandwich and drank my water. Spencer pushed his tray of food away and took out his own lunch bag.

You're not going to eat that?

He shook his head.

"I have my own lunch." he said.

Can I have your lunch?

He pushed the tray towards me.

"Go for it." he said. I ate the fruit and put the sandwich in my bag so I can share it with Sean on the bus.


He shrugged and continued to eat his own sandwich. About three minutes later the bell rang. Spencer and I went our separate ways. I headed to English when I was slammed into the lockers. I held the back of my head which had the most impact. I looked up to see some random kids that just bully me for the hell of it. One pushed me and spit on my face. They pulled me up by my hair and punch me in the face several times. They kicked me until they eventually got bored and left. I wiped the blood from my mouth and got up. I looked out the window to see my reflexion. Not that bad. I got up and walked to my English class. I was late. I stood at the door awkwardly.

"Why are you late Mr.Woods? my snobby English teacher asked. I looked down. Why must the teachers do this to me. They know I don't talk.

"Explain yourself or you get detention." I looked up ta her like she was crazy.

"Very well then. Detention."she said. I rolled my eyes and walked to my seat. 

"Okay class. We are starting our research papers on a famous celebrity. It is a biography. You must answer the questions on the sheet and make it into a research paper." she said. I kept my head down.

"Okay you will have to have a partner for this assignment." Everyone in the class cheered. Yay I'm going to be alone. Again.

"I'll be picking the partners." she said. The class groaned. I blocked her out and doodled in my note book. Then I heard my name. 

"Jayy Woods and Blake Fierce." 

I'm partnered up with the heart breaker of the school? Well that's just great.

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