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Blake's POV

It's been two weeks since the incident. I'm still trying my best to get Jayy's trust back. He went with Danny to the apartment after school. I stayed after school since I had stupid detention. I sat at my desk and scribbled on my note book. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked up to see some jock guy looking at me. He smirked and winked. I rolled my eyes and continued to doodle. I looked up at the time. Ugh twenty more minutes. A note hit my desk. I opened it.

Hey wanna come to my place after school ;)

I looked up to see the guy staring at me again. I glared at him and ripped the note up. I threw it on the floor and continued to doodle on my notebook. The teacher fell asleep. Wow -__-. Can't even do his job right. Everyone started talking and taking their phones out. I stayed in place. I saw a pair of jeans in front of me. I looked up to see the same guy.

"Hey. I'm Hunter." he said with a wink.

"Fuck off." I hissed. He rose his eyebrows.

"Feisty. I like that." he said with a smirk. I glared at him and ignored him. He took a seat in the empty desk next to me.

"So what's your name?" he asked seductively. Okay this guy is pathetic. I smiled at him and turned to him in my seat. I leaned into him. He seemed to like it because he smiled.

"It's Blake. And if you know what's good for you, you'll leave me the fuck alone." I hissed and pulled back. He rolled his eyes and walked away. Well finally. We only had 10 minutes left and the teacher was still asleep. I put my stuff away and got up. I left the classroom and walked down the empty halls. Jayy. He's all I've been thinking about these two weeks and last three months. I walked to my locker and carelessly threw my backpack in there. I shut it closed and scratched my head. I decided to take the long way to the school doors. I walked down the hall that had Jayy's locker. I should surprise him. I do know his combination. I walked out of school and ran up to the local store which was a 5 minute walk but a 2 minute jog. I jogged in and bought a bouquet of roses. I smiled and picked them up. I saw heart shaped tiny balloons and bought them. I ran back to school with the roses and balloons in my hands. I walked through the halls to Jayy's locker. Wait. There's people already there. They were laughing and taping stuff to his locker. I became confused and jogged over to them.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked. They turned around and looked at me. I saw what they put. It was a bunch of papers saying hateful comments. Mute, Fagot, Worthless and Disgusting. I was pissed off outta my mind. No body says that to my Jayy! Okay maybe he's not mine but still! I set the roses and balloons on top of the lockers calmly. I looked at them.

"So you guys are the ones bullying him?" I asked innocently. They stood their shocked. They always did this behind my back but I never knew who it was. I calmly walked up to the leader and grabbed him by his shirt's collar. I punched him square in the face. He groaned as he held his nose. I slammed him against the lockers.

"Do you have ANY idea how much DAMAGE you cause him! I don't EVER want to see you bullying or pulling a stupid stunt like this on him again!" I yelled as I slammed him into the lockers again. He looked at me in fear. I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders. I turned around and punched him across the face. He fell to the ground holding his left cheek. I punched the other guy there in the stomach. As he hunched over, I threw him on the ground. I looked at the leader again and kicked him in the balls. He screamed out and held his area.

"I don't want you to ever to mess with Jayy again! GOT IT!" I screamed in his face. He nodded and ran away with his friends following. I smiled to myself. They better not hurt Jayy again if they know what's good for them. I tore of all of the papers from his locker. I put the combination in and opened his locker. His back pack was still in here. I took it out and grabbed a few pieces of paper. I put his backpack back in and grabbed my black sharpie form my pocket. I grabbed the pieces of paper. Amazing, Sweet, Forgiving, I love you. I wrote on four pieces of paper. I decorated them with different sharpies I had. I grabbed the roll of tape they left and decorated his locker with it. I got the last piece of paper and wrote a note. I placed the roses and balloons in his locker with the note. I shut his locker and smiled to myself. I really do love him. I walked down the halls with a smile on my face just imagining his reaction. I walked to my car and got in.

I drove to the apartments and parked the car. I got out and locked it. Is Jayy still home? I walked around the apartment building and looked at his balcony. Yup. His light is on. I was about to turn away when something caught my eyes. I looked into the woods and saw a wolf staring at me. It had black and white fur with sky blue eyes. It was beautiful. It stepped up to me. I was scared. What if it attacks me? He sniffed around me and looked me in the eyes. It's as if he knew me somehow. I held out my hand to it. He licked my hand and rubbed against my legs. I smiled. I leaned down and pet his fur. He looked me in the eyes as if to tell me something. He looked up at the balcony then back at me. I looked up and didn't see anything. I gave him a confused look. He licked my cheek and ran into the woods. I can't believe I actually met a wolf. o___o And an awesome one at that! I got up and walked around the building. I walked into the lobby and went up the elevator. I got to my door and unlocked it with my key. I walked in to see a heart breaking sight. Jayy and Danny were kissing on the couch. My heart shattered. I feel horrible. This is all my fault. If it wasn't for me cheating on him like I did he would still be in my arms right now. That's what the wolf was trying to tell me. He was warning me. Before the tears began to spill over, I quickly hid them. They still didn't notice me there. If this is what he felt like when he found me cheating then I'm a monster. I'm a horrible person. I slowly closed the door behind me. They were still kissing on the couch. It was going farther then that. Danny was rubbing his chest under his shirt and Jayy was moaning. I slowly walked passed them.

"Hey guys." I mumbled. They pulled away shocked. I walked passed them to my room. I closed the door and locked it. I put my iPhone in it's dock and played music loudly. Fallen Star by Blood On the Dance Floor started playing. Jayy will always be my star ♥

I laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Tears started leaking out of my eyes. I gasped for a breath. I cried and cried. I didn't notice the knocking on my door.

"Blake...?" I heard Jayy say. I ignored him and continued to cry. Eventually it got dark and I was still crying. This is all my fault. I love him so much it hurts. I had Fallen Star on replay so every time it ended it would replay. I sobbed into my pillow making sure they didn't hear me. If Jayy is happy with Danny then I'll let them be. I won't interfere. I won't get in the way. They should be together. Danny makes him happy and all I do is cause him pain. I looked at the time. 1 am. I've been crying ever since I got home. I never knew I had that many tears in me. I slowly opened my bedroom door. Nobody was there. I stepped out and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I walked to Jayy's room and looked in. He was asleep cuddling with Danny. More tears spilled from my eyes. He was smiling and snuggled into Danny's bare chest. Danny had his face in Jayy's hair smiling too. I slowly closed the door and walked to the bathroom as more tears fell. I looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. All I saw was a monster. No wonder Jayy is happy with Danny. He's away from me. I washed my face with cold water and dried it with a towel. I still look like a mess but not as bad as before. I walked back to my room and locked the door. I crawled under the covers fully clothed and cried myself to sleep. The last thing I thought was 'It's all my fault



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