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Jayy's POV

I looked out the window as the city passed. Roxie turned right into a small foster home. She parked the car and looked back at me. I looked at her emotionless again. She sighed and got out of the car. She opened my door for me. I got out and gave her a slight nod for thank you. I grabbed my bag and closed the door.

"C'mon let's get you settled in." she said as she guided me into the house. She opened the door and let me in. She closed it behind me.

"The house isn't very big. There are only about 20 kids here including you. That's all we have room for. You'll have a roommate because we only have 10 rooms for residents. I'll give you a tour." she said. I nodded and followed her. She showed me around. From the kitchen, to the play room, to the backyard, to the rooms and just everywhere. She opened a door and let me in. The room was a bit messy but not a whole lot. There was two beds. One was made and the other was messy.

"This will be your room. Your roommates name is Caleb. If you need anything I'll be around the house." she said with a smile. I looked at her blankly.

"Okay then. Go ahead and go to the kitchen if your hungry or anything. Bye Jayy." she said. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind herself. I looked around the room. It's okay. Not to big and not to small. Just enough room. I set my bag down and walked up to the made bed. I sat down on it and held my head in my hands. How's Sean? Is he okay? What about Spencer and Blake? Do they miss us as much as we miss them? I got back up and started unpacking. I put my clothes and other stuff in the empty chest near my bed. Once I was finished I shoved the bag under my bed and laid on the bed. I looked at the ceiling as I thought. The door opened and I heard some boys voices. I looked up to see three boys enter the room and walk to the TV. They ignored me and sat on the bean bags in front of the TV and turned it on. They turned the xbox 360 on and started some war game.

"I'm gonna beat you again." one of them said.

"You wish. You barely beat me last time and that was just because I lost my touch." the other said.

"Ladies ladies. Please stop fighting and start the game." another said.

"Shut up Trent." one said.

I looked at them confused as they continued to ignore me.
I sighed and grabbed my ipod from the nightstand. I put the ear buds in my ears and pressed play. I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic At The Disco started playing. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I thought of everything that was happening right now and drifted off to sleep.

"Is he dead?" I heard someone whisper. I felt fingers on my neck.

"Nope. He has a pulse." another voice said.

"He's sleeping dumbasses." another voice said.

"Well sorry. Do we look smart to you?!" another whispered/yelled.

"Not really." the other said. I opened my eyes and saw the three boys from earlier staring at me. They were hovering over me and I felt uncomfortable. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I looked at them confused.

"See you woke him up!" one yelled.

"No I didn't!" the other yelled. I looked at them with the same confused expression plastered on my face.

"Hiya! I'm Trent!" one yelled happily. He had brown hair and glasses.

"Caleb." the other one with brown/blonde hair said.

"Matt." the one with red hair said. I waved at them and sat up fully.

"What's your name?" Trent asked. I looked at them blankly.

"His name is Jayy. He doesn't talk much. Please don't scare him off." Roxie said from the open door.

"We would never!" they said in unison.

"Mhmm." Roxie mumbled unconvinced. I looked down and smiled slightly.

"So Jayy. How old are you? Why are you here? What kind of music do you like? Do you think unicorns are real? Where do babies come from? I heard unicorns are only real in south America. Did you know rain is water? Is rain wet?" Trent babbled.

"Trent...." Roxie said.

"Yes Roxie?" Trent said.

"He doesn't talk and you expect him to answer all those questions?" she said.

"I sure do." Trent said with a huge smile.

"He's 17. He doesn't have any parents or a legal guardian. I'm not sure what music he likes. Unicorns are real to me. Babies are born from somewhere. Yes he knows rain is water. Yes rain is wet." Roxie answered.

"Okay!" Trent yelled happily. I'm guessing he's super hyper. I nodded a thank you to Roxie. She smiled at me and left the room.

"So your my new roommate?" Caleb asked. I nodded.

"Well since you don't know anyone yet you can stay with us." he said. I nodded. Maybe this wont be so bad. But I'm still dying inside. I miss them. I miss them all. I need them. Spencer, Blake, Sean. I miss you guys so much



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