part1: why me truck-kun!?!?

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~lily POV~

my name is lily and i am 18 years old. i am a university student, who is buying groceries and heading back to my apartment. let me shed a little light on my life.

when i was four my father left me and my mother. when i was ten i was deemed as a prodigy in martial arts and swordsman ship. which i learnt due to my mother falling in love with some big shot who was recently divorced, and he was a big enthusiast in this sort of thing so he made me take classes, his biological sons was very weak so he could not fulfil the old fart's desires so he put me up to it. also your eyes are not playing tricks on you, i said sons cause this man has been divorced six times, i thought my mom would learn the first time around. by the age of fifteen i received many scholarships due to my prodigy title. and now i am studying in one of the most prestigious university in all of japan. well other than all the friends i ever made were either white lotuses or guys who wanted fame. so i have trust issues. also i love fantasy novels and to read in general. also i might have played some otome games here and there

anyway i am now walking.... walking.... walking till....... bam!  a drunk truck driver hit me. he got out of his truck taking his phone out to call 911 i think. well it does not look like it is working, the emergency lady seems to be thinking this drunk guy is acting drunk. oh well good bye world. i thought as i was consumed by darkness.







i opened my eyes to see a dimly lit room. was i saved am i in the hospital? i was not able to see properly so i rubbed my eyes with my hands. wait a second my hand feels different more soft and smaller? once my vision was all right i looked around to be surrounded by an unfamiliar room it looked like i was in the victorian era room. it was painted blue and light blue everywhere. it was extremely large. i was laying in a king size bed there was a dresser and vanity with a lot of boxes and bottles placed on top. i got up to look at my self in the full body miror and i was shocked. i was in a what looked like a 6 year old's body. my black hair was replaced with silver hair. and brown eyes were replaced by blue eyes.

[a/n: not my pic, also imagine blue eyes the shade of the girl in the cover, and knee length hair in the media above ^^^^]

wow! for a kid this girl is a looker. but where and who am i? suddenly memories of this girl's were flooding into my brain. wait i know who this girl is. her name is lilith anestor castrius. the spoiled daughter of one of the most powerful dukedoms of the kingdom of  lifonel. and also the villainess of the otome game 'the beauty of a rose'. damn it why her? i could have been anyone else, but why her?!? Lilith Anestor Castrius the villainess- or should i say the match maker of the hero and heroin of 'the beauty of a rose'. she is a spoiled brat, her father ,duke Dereck anestor castrius spoils her rotten. her magical ability was far superior to anyone in the kingdom but her being the spoiled brat she is , did not consider this and let her gift go to waste being to afraid of a blade to even think of using her power in the way the dukedom was famous for, she was too busy fawning over the crowned prince *cough* the hero*cough* to even care. she was also called the 'let down  of the castrius family'. being the only child of the castrius family she wad doted on by her parents who let her do absolutely whatever she wanted. she even was given a torture room at the age of ten cause her parents did not want to see the blood of their servants all over the estate there are many people who fall in love with the female lead in the game obviously, i played all their roots.

the sun started to rise, so i went back and laid in my bed. this way i wont be suspicious for waking up early. what am i going to do? how am i going to survive? all powerful people want my head. i should be fine if i do not mingle with the targets, if they do not even know i exist they won't meddle in my life, if i do not meddle with their's. yha! that should be about right. there are 2 princes, 3 heirs of dukedoms, an attendant, and a knight. so totally seven people i have to avoid. why me truck-kun!?!?

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