24: winner's prize

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~narrator pov~

they all assembled in a tearoom after cleaning themselves up. the king got up "great! you're all here." they all sat down "so now except for alex all of you need to do whatever we say." they all nodded slightly dejected with their heads down, all except for alex of course. first up was dominic and dereck. "i want you to do my paperwork, also since it is for the whole day.. read my section of management and brief me about it later. that must be enough" once dereck was done with that he left with a dominic that seem a little brighter than a second ago following behind hiem. 

then it was mark and fredric. "Hmm i can't do that tch. i know you'll mess it up. i can't ask you to train the nights.. kid you seem to be a little useless" he said while sweatdroping. mark had doggy ears drooping at that while lilith was patting his back. "Just come with me we'll figure something out, i am pretty sure there is something that you are good at."

then it was alex and alfred. and alex wasted no time to say "suspend all my schedule today and let me go with lilith" hearing this duke trenebris was not very happy "hey pup, tell him that he is not allowed to come with us" lilith looked at him with slight excitement "is that my task? so if i do this nothing else right?" "NO! of course not" lilith looked down dejected. "Hey alex, don't come with us." duke tenebris happily said farewell and left the area with lilith in tow.

the king looked at lyon "hey bud, it is just me and you huh? want to go to a new cafe that opened on vishtire road." lyon's eyes lit up "yes please!" "very well. alfred why don't you take the kids to the cafe?" duke strepitus was taken aback for a second then reluctantly nodded and took both kids and left. alex looked back at his father quizzingly for a minute before joining the other two.


"so what do i have to do tenebris- sensai" edmond looked down at the child in excitement "well, did you know that your father has been bragging about how easy his work had become since you organized it for him? he would not shut up about how amazing the system was. so I, being the smart man i am, obviously won't pass this opportunity up" Litlith was quite happy to hear that. she enjoyed performing magic, and this was an opportunity to refine one of her old spells. "don't worry too much though. i am not going to ask you to work after that, cause me and you are going on a day out after that" now Lilith was not that happy to hear about that. 

Lilith had gone to change while he waited outside for her. after leaving the palace ground, both of them ended up in front of a very angry leselie [duchess tenebris] "edmond what did i tell you about leaving all your used magic tools in the study?" he shrank while standing behind lilith in an effort to hide. "uh... not to do it" "and what did you do last night." "well i can explain dear.-" "shut it! how many times do i have to tell you not to eat in the study, it is not good for you in the first place to be subjected to left over and probably expired magic tools. not to mention the dilare [they are like termites that are attracted by mana] infestation that happens with your messy habits. ha forget it-" she does a complete 180 as she looks at lilith .

"well hello there. it looks like we have a lovely little guest too. i heard about the training and that you have to fulfil one wish that this barbarian asks of you. don't worry too much he won't ask you to do too much work he is kind of a softie when it comes to little girls especially cure ones like you." she said while tucking a strand of lilith's hair behind her ear. lilith was just in aawe of the beautiful woman standing in front of her. Recalling etiquette lilith did a curtsy "greetings to the beautiful duchess of tenebris" liselie just pat lilith's head "what a lovely child. i will be off then i have a subjugation conference i have to attend both of you have fun. k?" 

edmond let out a breath and hunched his shoulders and wiped of imaginary sweat with two fingers. "ok.. now pup how about we head to the study now?" he said as he led Lilith into the estate.as she entered she realizes that the 'artwork' hanging on the wall of the main estate was quite peculiar. [ok so side note... i dont really know how these estates were built but i am going to use my imagination and tell you how it goes cause i can do that since it is, in fact, my world. so i imagine the main part where the family lives to be in the center of the property, so the main work office private areas for only the family and stuff to be there. then we would have the secondary part where the staff and other things like a garden and training grounds to be a part of. then the tertiary where the place is kept incredibly presentable for guests, so the drawing room, party hall, public office and .. you get the idea] there were pictures that seemed more comedic than anything and under the photos there were long paragraphs with dates written in bold and the subjects of the photos seemed to be the family members.

 "Oh. you're looking at those. well they may seem odd to you. it is not every day you step into a noble's house and see, well less than noble, photos of them hanging on the walls." lilith nodded and looked at him expecting him to continue the conversation with an explanation. "well i guess it is a tradition if you can call it that. me leselie and dominic have something called a game night every once in two weeks. over the week whenever one of us does something embarrassing in that moment there is a magic item that takes a picture and writes the date as well as the description of what actually happened.  and those are made into cards. the overall looser has to pick a card and that will be made into portraits and hung in the corridor for a month and after it's time is up it is moved to a room that is dedicated to this stuff." lilith seemed a little amused at this, seeing that she had shown interest in it edmond was quick to jump at the opportunity. "you know... i will be more than happy to show you all of dominc'c photos after we organize my study. deal?" lilith looked at him with a smile and shook his hand "deal". 

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