part 16: lady fiona the oracle

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the oracle of all people? really? the oracle of the capital is one of the most respected people in the country and she is also the current second mage of the magic tower. light and dark elements have a very diverse set of powers. based on what level you are on you can start to use god sub god elements that are on around level 500. which had never been reached till lady fiona reached it and unlocked a god blessing power. after all light is a holy element. the lowest or first and last currently known about is the

 ability to see visions of some ones past present of some one sadly who she sees  can not be controlled. but she will know what time line she is seeing from. recently another mage at the age of 80 has unlocked level 500 and has been taken under her to learn more about it. once you reach more than level 300 in two elements you're life span is increased to a thousand years and you will stop aging when you reach it. so most people unlock level 250 only at 80 so that mage is a prodigy that is widely acknowledged. 

of course your aging starts to slow down when your reach level 250 but you will still look 80. but there are magic tools to change or cover the way you look. people who reach level 300 in more that two elements you are instantly labeled as one of the national treasure and are recruited to work for the magic tower. mages of the tower (currently have 25 mages) are highly respected by the king. the previous duke luminous also a current general (age: 100) [fredric's dads older brother] is a mage in the tower since a few years ago. 

and still helps luminous sensai in the battle field. old people in fantasy world are more energetic that i am. back to the topic of lady fiona. "lady oracle saw visions about lady lilith and those were leaked by a noble who is still currently annonimus" what on earth "lady oracle is going to arrive any moment now because her grandchild is in the party as he got his guardian today as well." well.... did i forget to mentions she is the wife of my current magic teacher, anthor sensai and the grandmother of roman. great . just great..

"THE ESTEEMED LADY OF THE MAGIC TOWER! SECOND HIGH MAGE OF THE MAGIC TOWER! THE ORACLE OF THE CAPITAL! LADY FIONA ANTHOR RIVOREN!" i think this guy had a huge load of caffeine and sugar. how else is he so energetic for everyone he does? is this much volume even possible to use with the normal range of a human voice. if he were in my world the goy might get a world record as 'the man with the highest voice range in the world!' or something like that. there entered a woman overdressed for the event in head to 

tow jewels and rare materials made by the most exclusive designers in the continent. she entered the room with a huge grin on her face. she always shows up 'fashionably' late. so that she draws all the attention to her self. she was only introduced in the anime as roman was there only in the anime. and she always was a big obstacle in the heroin's path in the anime. after all she was a very doting grandmother to roman and since his heart would be crushed when his 'love in the anime was hurt his grandmother took it as her

job to bully the 'home wrecker'. now come to think of it arn't almost all heroins in otome games.... home wreckers? cause the capture target would have a fiance, mostly because the creator needs someone to hate the heroin and bully her, and she would bully the heroin and the fiance would meet horrible doom for trying to stay with the man she was engaged to. thats just straight up wrong. wow grandama roman you are right i am with you that. i mentally slapped my self for thinking of doing something that would instantly kill me. but come to think 

of it the world i am in is following a mix of both the anime and game. as soon as she entered she headed to roman, who i just found out was near the juice counter. she looks about 30 but i know that is not it. this woman gave birth to roman's father at the age of 60 and he is her only child. how do you give birth at 60?!?! like how did that happen. anyway. i was snapped out of my thoughts when dominic grabbed my hand and started to pull me over to the place where an affectionate grandmother and smiling grandson stood. 

no! no! no! no! no more human interaction. that too the one who is more dangerous than you.
domino. you. damn. defective. piece. 

~roman POV~

i was talking to grandmother when i saw the young master of the tenebris, the young master of luminous, the young master of reberum and i could see someone else following in suit but they were hidden behind the others so i could not see them that well. i could only see a little bit of beautiful silver hair with a blue glow to it. once they were standing in front of us they all bowed down to grandma "greetings to the oracle of the empire, fiona anthor rivoren" once they all stood up i got a clear view of her face. i felt the heat rush to my face like i was hit by a truck. wow.

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