part 13: summoning the all mighty shen

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[the photo does not belong to me ^^^. Heads up longer than usual chapter]

lilith got ready and did her hair that now reached her butt with a braid in the side, her hair was naturally straight , and she wore a bow on the right side that had a braid till the end she wore a slightly frilly shirt and a black corset and with a black high low skirt, with knee high boots (what she wears in the cover just imagine her younger) her usual outfit except after training and sleeping. once she was done she walked out to see everyone coming out of their rooms as well. all of 

them were ready to go. they all got into one carriage that was stationed in front of the cabin. "hey sis are you excited to meet your spirit guardian?" lillith looked at mark and smiled a little with sparkles visible in her eyes. "of course i am aniki, i can't wait to find out" "well it must be a guessing game for scilla cause all elements are her dominant elements" lilith just nodded and looked out the window. she was up the previous night, while mark dozed of instead of taking him back to the bedroom she sat their and 

read the whole night being to excited to sleep. she still was full of energy this had been what she had been waiting for over a year. alex was looking out of the window wondering how his father would react to the excellent prodigy being almost at her father's level in the span of one year. the king is not told any information about the training or the progress of the children. he is given a report of everything at the end of the year after their spirit guardian ceremony. lilith was also excited about meeting her family after 

a long time.  she wanted to see her father's reaction when he learns of her level. she had an indifferent face on, she might have opened up to them but her mannerisms did not change much. she was also a little worried because she would be meeting isac, also james last time he did not even greet her and had his full attention on lyon.  she was more worried because she might be meeting the her counter part or the male villain of the series. he was not there in the otome game, he was introduced in the animes. there were seven 

animes on the otome game eache with one of the capture targets as the male lead based on who you liked the most. the hidden roots would be the second male leads and the other capture targets would not be mush of a love interest so roman silic  rivoren was created. he is also the grand child of the mage who is currently teaching lilith magic currently, by the way she is currently on level 34 [if you want to know dominic is on level 20 and alex is on level 26, these two have a friendly 

compitition with lilith in and try to reach and surpass her level, lyon is on level 10 which is normal for their age. and mark is on level 15 which is not normal for his he should be at level 13, these abnormal children i swear -_-]  lilith got ready and did her hair that now reached her butt, and she wore a bow on the right side that had a braid till the end she wore a slightly frilly shirt and a black corset and with a black high low skirt, with knee high boots (what she wears in the cover just imagine her younger). once she was done she walked out to see everyone coming out of their rooms as well. all of

them were ready to go. they all got into one carriage that was stationed in front of the cabin. "hey sis are you excited to meet your spirit guardian?" Lilith looked at mark and smiled a little with sparkles visible in her eyes. "of course i am aniki, i can't wait to find out" "well it must be a guessing game for scilla cause all elements are her dominant elements" lilith just nodded and looked out the window. she was up the previous night, while mark dozed of instead of taking him back to the bedroom she sat their and

read the whole night being to excited to sleep. she still was full of energy this had been what she had been waiting for over a year. alex was looking out of the window wondering how his father would react to the excellent prodigy being almost at her father's level in the span of one year. the king is not told any information about the training or the progress of th children. he is given a report of everything at the end of the year after their spirit guardian ceremony. lilith was also excited about meeting her family after

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