part 5: ceremony

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~with the dads~

duke castrius was walking towards his best friends (aka king ,duke strepitus, duke luminous, duke tenebris) while thinking 'i know they are going to make luminous and tenebris the head teachers this year after the ceremony, for the attendant selection. those bastards, they do this just to make me jealous.' i put on a stoic face "your majesty" i said and bowed to the man in front of me. "oh come on dereck, just call me edward like old times, i know you are sore about the teachers for the selection." i just kept my stoic face while keeping silent. 

~edward pov~

i swear, this grown ass man acts like a child sometimes. well to be fair, one of the reasons  i choose the teachers for the children the way i did was to spite him a bit knowing he is a daughtercon.  i thought smirking. "why hello edmond (duke tenebris) i hope you told your son not to tease my daughter" edmond just slung an arm around dereck and said "now why would i do that? if she is anything like you teasing her would be a blast teasing the mini you .i am almost jealous of him. well i have a whole year to do that too so.... 

sadly my son is not anything like me, he is a total kill joy" then dereck just looked the other way and huffed. yes ,this happens on a daily basis. "hey don't leave me out of this, i saw you and your daughter arrive,....... i must say she looks like a carbon copy of dereck and keeps the same poker face. and if she takes after dereck she will be quite the looker, and if she acts like the 'duke dereck' on the outside she will be quite the heart breaker " fredrick (duke luminous) intervened. dereck looked even more pissed.

 he looked at all of us and glared at us and looked away and huffed, this man is a child, but then again are we any better? "my daughter is a kind fairy that this world is unworthy of. " "that is the reason there will be so many wolves after her" "the only one who i see becoming a heart breaker is philip if you ask me" he might have a point though. the kid already knows how to sweet talk all the maids and his mother in the castle. i thought while sweat dropping. "that aside who do you think will become alexander's attendant?"  fredric asked. i answered "well we don't know yet. we will know after 12 months time.

but this year the selection will go over two years due to the cycle, of the original decree. so i guess it will be 24 months then." "well as long as lily gets a separate room i am fine with it" then the room went silent. i  looked at fredric as we had a conversation with our eyes 'i thought i told you to tell him' then fredric looked at edmond sending the same message, who looked at alfred (duke strepitus who had come in around five minutes ago) sending the same message , they all suddenly looked at me and i could hear their thoughts lightning struck me 'well you are the king are you not?' "why did you all go silent?"

 derek's eye brow started to slightly twitch. you guys really chose me to throw under the bus today didn't you, just you wait. i thought my smile faltering "oh it is nothing, we just have a serious issue that we will have to discuss at tomorrow's meeting " he did not look convinced . just as he was about to question further one of arvin (earl rebrum) came in "your majesty the children have gathered at the hall, and the onlookers at the stadium." i internally anime cry and give him a raise. remind me to give you three days of paid leave later. i thought while looking at him while smiling.

 we all left the room and went toward the platform where we would be situated while the children would come come up in pairs behind alex .we all stood in a line, and alex started to come, behind him lyom and mark, behind them lilith and dominic. alex came gave his greetings and them came the other two, i have met all of them except derek's daughter. never mind i have a full two years to get to know the child, she came up to the stage. she curtsied "greeting to the sun  and light of the empire" and did a little higher to the others and went toward the area where there affinities will be shown. what splendid manners , despite being six she carries herself with such a grace.

[a/n: it will simply glow if it is wind. red=fire, blue=water, earth=green, light= yellow ,darkness=black, sub-elements will be found out by it being written on the orb if it is an independent one]

 the whole purpose of the first part of the ceremony is to act like a debut for the children of the dukedom and royal family. so the first part is to let others know of their affinities. alex put his hand on the purl which turned into a yellow then, green and last black. mark had done his last year so he did not need to do it again this year. lyon placed his hand onto the orb to show red then yellow and blue. i expected that out of fredrick's child. dominic placed his hand onto the orb to show black, blue ,green and red. four elements this one has a good gift, and his personality is just such a far cry from edmond haw exactly are they related.

 lilith placed  her hand onto the orb to display all the six colors. my, my what a rare gem we got here, her parents both have four each so it is basically rare + rare= ultra rare. the next part of the ceremony was the introduction. they were escorted to the middle of the arena where there were 3 swords placed , one for each based on a design the current duke made for them. while alex stood in front of me and the others on the platform. they all lifted the sword made for them, which had a magic tool on them because they were too heavy for young children to carry, and kneeled in a line in front of alex, while pledging their loyalty to the future ruler. 

"we pledge our loyalty to the rising star of the empire, we shall follow your command and assist you in every way we can to help the growth of our precious empire. please except our swords" with that alex excepted the three swords. that concludes the ceremony  would be concluded after a celebratory lunch, then the children would be sent home and move into the castle the next day.

ha.... it is finally over. then i felt a chilling glare, i turned around to find the gender bend of the ice queen glaring daggers into my back. ha ha it seems someone told him or he found out some how. i started sweating bullets and tried to run, but it does not seem like i was going anywhere even though my legs were moving. it seems mr. ice queen had lifted me up by the back of my coat. while glaring at me, i was then dragged into a room, by the back of my coat. i let him drag me, while i was panicking on the inside while outwardly anime crying. i still need to write my will, i need to see my grand kids, i need to tell my wife that i forgot to buy her an anniversary gift, please pray for my wishes to come true

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