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NATE ALMOST FELL, but luckily sam was able to grab ahold of him. the younger boy kept wiggling around in panic, making sam struggle.

"(name), lend a hand!" he called.

you tore your eyes away from the large paintings surrounding you and ran over to the brothers.

sam did a count down and on three, you used all your strength to lift nate up.

"what part of 'wait for me' did you not get?" sam half whispered half yelled.

"i said i'm coming with you." nate replied firmly.

you eyed him from head to toe. the younger boy possessed dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and a skinny body. he and sam looked exactly alike. well, they were brothers after all.

"let this slide, sam. surely you aren't that heartless to send him all the way back to the orphanage?"

you knew sam ever since you pickpocketed him on the streets. you somehow crossed paths again and there was bad blood between the two of you for a while, until he found out you had an interest in history and a knack for stealing as well, just like him, which led you to become close friends.

from then on, you tagged along with him on his adventures. you became his partner in crime.

"okay, okay, i'll let this slide. we're looking for the age of explorers exhibit, so be quiet."

you and nate complied to the older teen.

"bubble yum?" he randomly handed a piece of gum to nate. "this is my last piece. let's split it."

"none for me?" you pouted playfully.

"get your own." sam remarked.

instead of splitting the gum in half, nate plopped the whole piece into his mouth, smiling at the priceless reaction of sam.

"i like him." you snorted.

sam's frustration faded away as he laid eyes on a certain painting. he approached it, using his lighter to see the face of the person in the painting better.

"alright, smart guy. who's this?" he asked nate, nodding towards the face of a man.

"too easy. ferdinand magellan, first guy to sail all around the world." he quickly answered.

"wrong. magellan never made it all around the world. he just took all the credit."

you decided to wander around the area, leaving them be.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘, nathan drakeWhere stories live. Discover now