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YOU DIDN'T EXPECT FOR THERE TO BE A PARTY deep in the secret passage way. the place smelled awfully a lot like naughty dog bar, but more of people's sweat from dancing.

"hey, this can't be it, can it?" nate asked, confused. "this definitely can't be right."

"look. above the bar." above the bar was the word 'infernum' carved onto cement. for some reason, everywhere you went had bars.

"isn't 'infernum' latin for 'hell'?" you chimed in.

"yeah, it is, c'mon." nate stopped in his tracks, narrowing his eyes at braddock's henchmen clearly looking for you three in the crowd. he cursed under his breath. "braddock's backup."


"we better keep moving." nate hadn't taken his eyes off the men until chloe removed her jacket. "what are you doing?"

"blending in."

you exchanged looks with nate then did whatever you could to make yourselves blend in.

you were going to pull nate close to you, but chloe beat you to it and you felt your eye twitch as they danced together on the dance floor.

were you... no, no way...

you've seen nate interact with countless of girls, but when it's with chloe...

they danced their way to the bar, acting like they were having fun like everyone else in the party, while you were having a crisis.

"hey, two common wealths."

nate distracted the bartender and grabbed a bottle of alcohol, spilling the contents. he attempted to light the alcohol with sam's lighter, but it couldn't work properly, so you opted to use a candle.

while people drunkenly cheered at the growing fire, you climbed over the counter towards the wall vandalized with stickers.

"do you think it's another puzzle?"

"maybe there's something under all these stickers?"

"whatever it is, you guys better figure it out fast. i'll try and buy us some time." nate went into bartender mode. "hey, can i get you a drink?"

a curly haired woman propped her arms on the counter and ordered, "gin and tonic por favor."

"this definitely isn't a gin and tonic, but it's on the house." nate said charmingly, mixing the drinks.


the woman wasn't able to get her order as she was shoved by the scotsman.

"woah, woah, woah, let me guess... piña colada?"

he climbed the counter to attack nate, but he smacked him with a bottle, making him fall back into the crowd of sweaty people.

"the eye." chloe muttered to the smaller version of the eye of providence you had seen in the passage way that was under a sticker.

"hurry up, will you?" you said impatiently. "nate's getting his ass beat!–"

"look at what you've done to me."

it was the man you fought. he was wearing an eyepatch and he was out for blood because of it. well, he was out for specifically your blood.

"you deserved it." you sneered.

your response made him angrier. nate used the bottle on him before he could do anything. who knew bartending would come in handy in a fight.

"nate! behind you!"

the scotsman pinned him to the wall and punched his abdomen, holding him by the throat.

"think you're a comedian, do you, sunshine?"

"wait, i got it. sex on the beach?" he quipped.

all of a sudden, captain hook, the new nickname for the guy, had you in a headlock. you reached for anything on the counter and smacked a bottle on his face so hard that half of it broke into pieces.

"don't make me blind your other eye." you dared.

you swung the half broken bottle at him, but he kept dodging. he held your wrist, putting it behind your back, making you let go of the bottle. you hit him with the back of your head and elbowed him.

"i figured it out, guys!" chloe declared, going in yet another passage way. she saw nate drinking alcohol weirdly. "nate, this is not a time for shots. let's go!"

she thought he was just being silly. little did she know, he was drinking to create a mini flame thrower, spitting alcohol into the candle wick, blasting out a stream of flame at the henchmen.

you and nate jumped in just as the door was about to be shut.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘, nathan drakeWhere stories live. Discover now