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YOU CURSED AS YOU HELD OUT YOUR PALM. you had nothing, but a few cents left. you were robbed by much older delinquents, leaving you broke and beat up in an alleyway.

you hadn't eaten anything since morning, so you felt woozy, and your body hurt like hell, so it was hard to move the slightest muscle.

you wanted to find those delinquents and kill them, but at the same time, you understood why they did it. they did what they had to do to survive. you were no different.

with what energy you still had, you slowly got up, touching your bloodied lip and wiping the remnants of the blood on your shirt.

you had to find yourself some food. it was already night time and the stores were going to close any minute.

before exiting the alleyway, you zipped your jacket and threw your hood up. you didn't want to attract any attention from pedestrians.

as you walked down the streets of new york, you bumped into someone and fell on the ground. that someone was a boy with blonde hair, dark brown eyes and a somewhat muscular form. he was wearing a gray shirt, a jean jacket, jeans and a necklace with a ring attached to it around his neck.

"oh, shit. sorry. are you okay?" he asked, kneeling down beside you and holding you by the shoulders. his voice was laced with concern and his eyebrows were knitted together. "i didn't hurt you, did i–"

"i'm fine." you quickly brushed him off. you tried to get up by yourself, but your legs wouldn't budge.

"here." the boy helped you get up, still holding you by the shoulders.

your hands clutched his biceps, legs shaking uncontrollably.

"uh, let's sit you down." he helped you sit on a bench by a lamp post. "let me see if you're hurt anywhere." he let go of your shoulders and his eyes scanned your body. he caught sight of your bruised wrist along with some dried blood on your finger tips, but you were quick to act and tugged on your sleeve to cover it.

"it's just an accident." you lied.

he sighed. "i have a little brother who get into fights. i know an accident when i see one... you know, if you're in trouble, the police station is not too far."

he figured the bruise and the blood had nothing to do with him. 'maybe you were abused?' he thought. 'or you got robbed?'

"thank you, really, for your concern, but i can take care of myself, okay? why don't you mind your own business and go back to whatever you're doing?" you spat.

he was taken aback by the defensive tone of voice.

"i just want to be left alone. please."

he was hesitant to leave a girl like yourself alone, but accepted your request. "be careful next time, yeah? the city is dangerous. you should head home now and treat those wounds."

you didn't have a home.

but for him to leave you alone, you went along with it and nodded.

"i guess i'll see you around." he smiled and got up to leave.

"yeah, i won't be seeing you anytime soon." you muttered.

you shook your arm and money came out of your sleeve. while he was helping you sit, your hand slithered into his pockets and shoved his money into the sleeve of your jacket. thankfully, he only saw the bruise on your wrist and not his money.

he only had three dollars with him. it was enough to buy a loaf of bread and you weren't complaining at all. you could go for some bread.


yeah, so this is how sam and (name) met. i was debating whether or not to post this. idk if it's good because the dialogue and everything is all me. if it's good, then i will post a part 2 of this hehe.

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