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SULLY CHOSE NATE. he couldn't bring himself to leave another drake behind to get killed. if he chose the treasure, you would despise him forever and that would act as a reminder that the drake brothers died because of him. he would feel lower than an ant in the aftermath.

"hey, braddock!" he grabbed his backpack and threw it at braddock, sending her to the ocean.

after he sacrificed his beloved gold for nate's sake, he lent you a hand. he did a count down and on three, you lifted him up together.

the ship unchained, crushing braddock to death. she didn't make that out alive for sure.

it wasn't for long until the ship sunk because of how roughed up it was from all the damage caused by the mountains, the second ship, braddock's henchmen and braddock herself.

"we can just get a diving rig." nate suggested.

"i don't think we can." you pointed at a modern ship sailing towards the sunken ship.

"(name)'s right. not before those guys. it's property of the philippines now." sully agreed.

he sat back on his seat, putting on his headset. nate sat on the opposite side of him. you sat in between them.

"hey, i just wanted to thank you for what you did for me back there. you know, ever since my brother sam left..." nate paused as sully handed him a headset and he couldn't forget about you of course.

you and nate put on the headsets.

"can you hear me?"

"i can now."

"i... i was just saying we should get outta here."

"definitely what he said." you chuckled.

"you got it." sully squinted at something or someone down there. "is that who i think it is?"

you and nate leaned over to have a look.

it was chloe. she was driving a motorboat full speed. "bastards." she mouthed as she looked up, seeing you three randomly in a helicopter.

"yeah, we might have let her steal the wrong coordinates."

sully laughed at nate's response. "hey, you're starting to figure it out, kids."

"yeah, learned from the best."

"i wouldn't say the best." you disagreed.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘, nathan drakeWhere stories live. Discover now