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YOU FELT A PAIR OF STRONG ARMS around you and a hard chest against your face. it was dark, but you could tell it was nate you were laying on top of and holding you in a way lovers do.

you immediately got out of his hold.

chloe flashed her flashlight, unbeknownst to what happened. "where the hell are we?"

you had to stop getting out of focus.

for now, your main priority was the treasure. after this, you would confront sully and chloe about sam. that was your plan. you truly hoped nothing bad happened to him. if something bad did happen, you hoped it was minor.

telling nate would be a bad idea right now. he would surely get out of focus more than you.

"ehem..." nate coughed, flushed. he flashed his flashlight to a grate on the ground then on a manhole cover on the ceiling. "you got that key?"

"yeah." chloe inserted the key into the keyhole on the cover, turning it.

a few seconds, water started flowing inside the passage way. you three looked at each other, eyes as wide as saucers.


"lots of water."

"this has to be a test! the eighteen must have built an escape, right?" nate panicked.

"so, this is the puzzle. what could we possibly do with this?" you rubbed your temple. "'trust in your fellow man for one shall go to heaven and the other hell.' trust in your fellow man... fellow man..."


"sully!" you, nate and chloe yelled simultaneously.

"sully, there has to be another keyhole up there somewhere that opens this door!"

"i'm like literally in a papa john's right now." sully said from the other line nonchalantly as if you weren't going to drown to death.

since the passage way was cramped, the water was already up to your shoulders. you shivered at the coldness of it.

you heard grunting and groaning from sully. was he fighting someone?

"sully, hurry!"

"shut up. i'm workin' on it."

"i'll shut up when you get us the hell outta here." nate said irritably. "you gotta help me get this up, okay?" he referred to the grate.

you and chloe nodded. you tugged on the grate, but it wouldn't budge an inch at all.

"sully! it's now or never, buddy! we're running out of options!" nate couldn't speak properly due to the water coming in his mouth.

"deep breaths."

the water was now up to your faces.

you sucked in a sharp breath before being fully submerged in the water. you punched everything, desperate to find an escape.

the cover opened abruptly, and you and nate swam up, inhaling. you made it.

chloe hadn't though. she must have lost air. nate called out for her. he was going to swim back in, but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.


"we can't leave her, (name)." he said with pleading eyes. nate's trying to save her, you thought, why are you stopping him?

you let go of his arm.

were you concerned for his well-being or... were you jealous?

jealousy was the last thing you thought you would ever feel and you never knew it would be this bad to the point you'd actually think of leaving chloe behind. you felt quite ashamed.

you removed yourself from the water, standing up, so nate could have space.

"chloe! c'mon! chloe!"

chloe spewed out water, gasping for air.

"it's okay. i'm gonna lift you up." nate reassured, guiding her to sit down.

"hey, guys. say something. tell me you're alive." sully sounded out of breath supposedly from his fight with braddock who somehow caught up to you four.

"yeah, we're good." nate replied. "we're still alive."

"then what are you waiting for? get a move on."

you just had a near-death experience and sully was insensitive as ever.

"wow, you're really pushing my buttons." you said in a non-sarcastic way. you really were close to beating him up.

"thank you." chloe smiled at nate.

"you had it." nate smiled back.

why do i feel a stinging pain in my chest? you thought, watching them from the side. no, i'm being dramatic.

"alright, alright, let's get a move on." you stood up.


tea will be spilled soon 👀🍵

i'm bad at writing and bad at explaining stuff whdjwbd i hope yall watched the movie first or none of this would make sense.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘, nathan drakeWhere stories live. Discover now