At Last

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Hello to all my hoes out there! I just wanted to thank you all for being so patient with me while waiting for updates. This past year has been the most difficult of my life but your support and kind words helped me heal. I love you all! So, I absolutely loved writing this chapter. It just poured out of me faster than my fingers could type!

I dedicate this one to my bestie, my soulmate, my ride or die and my beta...Steph. Yes, she is a real person and she's amazing! She also loves Yoongi but then again, who doesn't!

Happy reading!!

*Trigger Warning - this chapter deals with the beauty of live birth with an animal, so please, while not explicit, it's there, so if this is something that may upset you, watch for 🐄🐄🐄 at the beginning and the end of the scene. I am not an expert by any means on the subject of calf birthing so I apologize if there are any inaccuracies. Thank you.*

Yoongi and Steph walked down the steps, turning to wave once more to their friends before continuing down to where Yoongi's car was parked.

"That was so much fun! I can't remember the last time I felt this relaxed and dinner was amazing! Thank you for helping prepare it for us."

"No need to thank me, It was my pleasure...really."

Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, feeling his cheeks getting hot, realizing how that sounded.

Steph smirked over at him but didn't comment, even though a million comebacks were flying through her mind, such as:

"I've got a way to show how thankful I am or I could give you so much more pleasure, babyboy."

She promised Y/N that she would behave but fuck, this was definitely going to be challenging.

They reached the car and Steph turned to face him.

"So, I'm just gonna head over to Y/N's house and feed Pumpkin. It shouldn't take me too long, I'll just meet you back here, okay?"

Yoongi quickly reached for Steph's arm, effectively stopping her.

"Wait! Let me walk you over. It's late and it's not safe for you to be alone. Holly will need to potty anyway so it's no trouble."

Y/N's house was literally visible from where Yoongi's car was parked. Normally she would scoff at such an offer, she wasn't some damsel in distress in need of rescue. She'd been doing just fine on her own thus far. Plus, when she found out that she would be traveling so much for work, she had taken an intensive self defense course and could easily take out any attacker.

Steph was about to politely decline but when she looked into Yoongi's kind eyes, she felt her heart flutter in her chest...a feeling she wasn't used to. There was something so different about this man, something that made her want to learn more.

"Okay, thanks Yoongi. That's really sweet of you."

Yoongi smiled so widely that his eyes all but disappeared, his gums making an appearance.

As they walked the short distance to Y/N's house, Holly insisted on being close to Steph and literally inserted himself between them, happily trotting along with his fluffy little head held high, his little name tag jingling as they went. Steph laughed at how cute the little dog was.

"Holly is really sweet."

"Yeah, he's such a good dog. He, uhh...really seems to really like you...a lot."

Steph looked over at Yoongi to find him already staring at her. She smiled warmly and found herself blushing, something she couldn't remember the last time she did.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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Neighbors ~ A 21+ Jung Hoseok Fanfiction  ~ Book Cover by Izzybella's HopeWhere stories live. Discover now