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Y/N walked over to the mirror and surveyed the damage. Just as she thought, she was a mess...and definitely not a hot one! Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy and what little mascara she did have on had run down her face.

"Ack!!! What time is it, mama?!? I look like I went 3 rounds with Mike Tyson!!"

Steph checked her watch.

"It's 5:30. When's dinner, chicca??"


Steph just shook her head and rolled her eyes. She walked over, retrieved Y/N's previously discarded glass of wine and uttered a command...


Y/N tried to protest but Steph just glared at her and pointed in the direction of the couch.

She stomped over, like a child who'd been sent to timeout and sat with an exaggerated grunt.

"Jesus, you're such a drama queen, chicca!"

Steph went to hand her the glass of wine but as she reached for it she pulled it away again.

"Sip... don't chug, you hear?? Now do you have any cucumbers?"

"In the veggie drawer."

Y/N had a little garden in the backyard. Not only did growing some of her own food help lower her grocery bill, but it was also a relaxing hobby. When her school day was done, you could usually find her, fingers deep in the dark, rich soil, weeding and caring for her plants. It was therapeutic, she could let all her thoughts and worries just drift away while she worked.

"Gardening is good for the soul!", her grandma always said.

Y/N's grandma and mom had a large garden in their backyard, which was still there today. Some of her happiest moments were spent with the two women, laughing and tending to the veggies and fruits they grew in it.

Steph would join in when she visited, which was pretty much daily, and Y/N's mom would always send her home with something yummy!

Steph went to the kitchen, took out a cucumber and cut it into thin slices. She popped one into her mouth and munched on it, humming contentedly. Two slices were set aside and the others were placed in a pitcher of ice water, which she put into the fridge. Then she walked back into the living room.

"Here, put these over your eyes, chicca. They'll reduce the puffiness. I made you a pitcher of cucumber water as well. Have a glass tomorrow morning, it'll keep you hydrated and do your skin some good too."

Y/N's face scrunched up in disgust.

"Blech, you know I hate cucumbers!"

"So then why do you grow them, hmm??"

Steph grinned devilishly.

"I know it's been a while since you had sex but I didn't know you'd gotten that desperate!"

"Oh for fuck's sake! I grow them because you like them!"

Y/N snatched the cucumbers from her then kicked off her shoes and laid back on the couch. Steph put a pillow under her feet.

Pumpkin took advantage of the situation and jumped onto the couch with Y/N for a cuddle.

Steph pulled out her phone and chose a quiet playlist to help her relax. She kept her voice low when she spoke.

"Okay, now I want you to just lay there and chill for a while. The puffiness should be gone soon. I will be right here, just answering a few work emails."

Neighbors ~ A 21+ Jung Hoseok Fanfiction  ~ Book Cover by Izzybella's HopeWhere stories live. Discover now