Hugs and Handkerchiefs

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*A/N ~🚨 Warning🚨

This chapter contains mention of death and depression. If you are sensitive to these subjects please proceed with caution.

**This was a very emotional chapter for me to write as it deals with the pain of losing someone very close to you. As I have said before, in past stories, I weave a lot of my own life and personal experiences into them and this one is no different. Please leave your thoughts on this chapter. It would really mean so much to me. Saranghae, Cher 💜🥰 **

🥰 As always, a great big thank you to my ride or die beta, Steph! @MapleSuga2 🥰

After their pumpkins were loaded into the hay wagon, Y/N and Hoseok climbed aboard and Yoongi drove them back up to the entrance of the farm.

"Seok-Ah, why don't you bring your vehicle closer and I'll help you load the pumpkins in?"

"Sounds good, hyung!"

"I won't be long, Angel, okay?"

"Hurry back, baby!"

He kissed her cheek and jogged off towards the parking lot.

Yoongi turned to Y/N and smiled warmly.

"Wait till I tell Soo Yi that I met you today! She'll be so excited!"

"Imagine how surprised she'll be when you deliver the pumpkins to our classroom!!"

"I can't wait to see her face!! Speaking of the pumpkins, we have lots of small sugar pumpkins that are perfect for painting. I can pick out the best ones for you if you'd like!"

"Really?!? Oh, I'd love it if you did that, Yoongi! It would be one more thing I could check off my seemingly endless to-do list!"

"Sounds like you have your hands full with this party, huh?"

"It's definitely taking up most of my free time but it'll be so worth it to see our students' excited faces when they walk through the door! Ahh, I can't wait!!"

Y/N did a little happy dance, she looked like she was about to combust from sheer joy and Yoongi couldn't help but smile...

"It's no wonder why my niece loves you so much, it's obvious that these kids mean a lot to you..."

Y/N put her hand over her heart and sighed.

"Yoongi, they are my world. I am honored to have had a small part in their life and I hope that when they look back, they'll have nothing but fond memories of their time in my class!"

"Well, I can tell you, without a doubt, that you have made such an impact on Soo Yi. She's so excited to go to school everyday and when she comes home she can't wait to show us what she learned!! One time she woke up on her own and was ready before the sun even came up! So she ran into her parents' bedroom to wake them, only to find out that it was a Saturday."

"Ohhhh, the poor little baby."

"Yeah, she was so upset but I made her strawberry pancakes with lots of whipped cream that morning and then we went to the park. It seemed to soften the blow a bit."

Y/N nearly cooed at Yoongi, inwardly touched by his loving gesture.

"I can tell that you love her a lot."

Yoongi's adorable gummy smile lit up his face as he spoke about Soo Yi. He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed at how obviously smitten he was with the little girl...

"Yeah, I'm crazy about that kid. I hope that someday I will have a daughter just like her."

"Are you married, Yoongi?"

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