Chapter 11

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(Mature-rated themes ahead.)'

Before I can answer the woman, she quickly makes up her own mind and sits in the booth across from me.

"Uh, sure..." I mumble, not quite knowing what to do as she is already sitting. Unless I wanted to make a scene I guess she could sit here.  

She is an older woman, looking to be in her late fifties. She has long hair that flows loosely over her shoulders, the color now turning more gray than what appears to have been black. Her face is pretty, in a mature way. Wrinkles line her face but do nothing to take away from her high cheekbones or otherwise blemish-free skin. Her skin is darker, leaning on the more ethnically tan side, with equally dark eyes. She was petite in frame, shorter, and almost willowy.

Honestly, she seems vaguely familiar. Maybe I saw her around town yesterday?

Figuring I have the right to ignore her, I resume my task of painstakingly filling out forms. I quickly get lost in the rhythm of answering repetitive questions such as the age of the kids, height, etc. After what feels like a short while a steaming white mug is placed on the edge of the current paper I'm reading. Looking up in confusion, I see that the woman across from me had pushed a filled coffee mug in my direction, and was currently filling one for herself.

"Marge came over a few minutes ago, but you were so engrossed in your work that I told her to just set it down," the mysterious woman says with a soft smile. 

I squint my eyes at her, not yet understanding what her motive is.

"I'm sorry, but are we supposed to know each other?" I ask, rather bluntly.

The woman gives a long sip of her mug before, once again, giving me a soft smile with her pale lips, "Not yet, but I would like to get to know you a little better. I go by many names and titles in this town, but for now, you can just call me Lou."

I give her a bored look. 

"I don't know why this couldn't have been a handshake; rather than you inviting yourself to my table and drinking my coffee," I say with a slight edge to my voice.

Undeterred, Lou simply takes a sip of her drink while raising a dark eyebrow before answering. 

"While I am currently in a semi-retirement phase, I'm actually the head therapist in the area," She gives me a pointed look. 

I flinch and immediately break eye contact with her, choosing to instead peer out through the dark window. 

"So next you're going to say that you were able to see how broken I was from across the room, or some shit like that?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady, refusing to look at her.

I hear her sigh and can almost imagine the same soft smile she's been giving me stretching across her face, "If something is broken it means that it needs to be fixed, and leaves open the possibility that it can never be repaired. So no, I didn't recognize something that is broken. " 

I startle, my whole body freezing, as I feel her hand grasp mine from across the table. 

"I recognized something that is strong, as strength is only identified when something is being strained."

Lou seems to see the hesitation on my face and gently retracts her hand.

"I know that you might be thinking this is just a way to self-advertise my services. But for my whole career, I have never required payment from anyone who has chosen to see me. If you would like to, I would like to offer you some of my time. I am currently still licensed so anything you say to me will remain confidential between the two of us," she gives a quiet chuckle, "My morning is empty."

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