Chapter 26

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My knee bounces as I stare at the floor. I can feel the tips of my nails digging into my palm as I white-knuckle the thin sheet that has been draped over my bare shoulders. The flimsy fabric doesn't provide much warmth, but it does cover all the necessary bits for the bare minimum of public decency. My body is stiff as the chaos around me continues like an unrelenting hurricane.

"What the FUCK were you thinking?!" my mother screeches.

I wasn't...

"He wasn't ready for this!" Aiden shouts.

I know...

"You'll need to stay in close vicinity to the hospital as we don't know what his reaction is going to be when he first wakes up," Dr. Monroe chastises.

I will...


I was staring out of my office's large window as my mind wonders to my mate, and I couldn't get rid of the grin that had found its way on my face since yesterday.

He was at the temple!

Granted, Brayden and the kids didn't sit in the Alpha balcony, but that didn't stop the glee I had felt at seeing my mate and our family sitting in and listening to the service. At first, I had been disappointed that Brayden had refused to move to the front, but my initial dejection had quickly turned into satisfaction as I realized I could now sit and stare at my mate for over an hour.

And by the Goddess, did I.

Throughout the whole service, I didn't take my eyes off of him once. I loved watching him handle our pups with such care and devotion. Every few minutes he would chastise one of them to calm down, take one of them to the bathroom, or help them pick out a crayon color. It was all so glorious to witness.

The only problem with watching him had been the continual need to try and inconspicuously shift in my seat, so as not to alert my parents of the massive issue between my legs.

My continual arousal only increased as my mind had easily recalled what my naughty mate did to me on Friday night. The vixen had completely manipulated the situation to his advantage, and like a fool, I had been wrapped around his greedy little fingers. Even though I had released that night, I was left even more frustrated after leaving the room, as my body craved the feeling of his even more than it previously had.

Goddess, if he was the devil I'd sell my soul just to have one night in his bed.

"Isn't that right, Alpha?" the deep sound of Aiden's voice jerks me from my thoughts.

I clear my throat as I regain my composure and force myself to focus on the present, "Yes, that is correct," I say, assertively, although I was hardly paying attention.

It was early Monday morning and I wished to be anywhere else than sitting at a conference table leading the weekly meeting with the heads of varying pack departments. Among those in attendance were Aiden, Dr. Monroe, the Priestess, and my mother, all of whom had a particular interest in the subject at hand.

"I don't see why you don't think he is ready, it is part of the natural order of our creation that he participate," the Priestess comments, her stern face hard as she deeply frowns at me.

"He isn't ready at all!" my mother argues back with a glare, "He doesn't need the stress that comes with knowing about our kind right now, let alone partaking in The Run."

"I also have my doubts on whether he is physically able to participate," Dr. Monroe mumbles, causing several others to voice their disagreement at his proclamation.

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