Chapter 30

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I watch with smug satisfaction as Damien becomes more and more aggravated with me. Although I was putting up a confident front, I knew that time wasn't on my side and there was a closing window for me to get Damien to cross that dividing line.

Taking a moment to compose myself, I debate how I want to proceed. Getting Damien to cross the line was going to be a little more difficult than I had originally anticipated. I thought his lust for me was more wild and uncontrolled and figured the mini-striptease would have been enough to get him running across the line.

Turns out the bastard is stronger than I had thought.

There was always what I considered to be my "last resort" option. But I didn't really want to use it so soon. While I was fully confident in it working, nothing is ever guaranteed in life, so it'd be better to come up with something else fast.

While I contemplate my options I try to portray an air of indifference to my situation and lazily look over the crowd of hunters. A movement to the left of Damien catches my attention and I see Travis' mate casually talking amongst a small group of wolves.

My eyes light up as I suddenly have a revelation.

I quickly turn around ready to go looking for Travis, and startle slightly as I forgot he was already right next to me. I'm not the only one spooked by my sudden actions and the little brunette eyes me carefully, confused by my abrupt movement.

"Is it true that after The Run a werewolf will feel physical pain if they are intimate with someone other than their mate?" I ask him in a rush.

Travis' eyes widen, although I'm not sure if it's because of my specific question or the intensity of how I asked. I'm sure my eyes look a bit wild at the moment, and the desperation I feel at his answer isn't concealed even to my ears.

"Uh...yes..." he answers, albeit a little apprehensive, seeming to be taken aback by my question, "although since you seem to take after your human genes I wouldn't think it would affect..."

"No," I quickly interrupt him, shaking my head to portray my earnestness, "I'm not concerned about myself. I want to clarify that once a werewolf does the run they will feel ill if they try to get sexual with another person besides their mate."

Travis nervously looks over my face several times and his apprehension seems to grow, "Yes," he answers, a little more certain than before.

I let go of him as a devilish grin spreads across my face.

"Then would you be interested in some hardcore foreplay with me before your run tonight?" I ask with a suggestive smirk.

"What?!" Travis loudly exclaims, before nervously looking over at both of our mates.

I follow his gaze, but already know that both of the wolves were too preoccupied to hear us. Travis' mate seemed to be in a lighthearted conversation with people who looked like friends, and Damien was adamantly talking with Aiden.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" He asks in a hushed tone, this time leaning in closer to me as his eyes quickly dart over to Damien.

I shake my head, "No, I'm merely offering a once-in-a-lifetime proposition," I answer, innocently.

Travis doesn't look convinced and glares at me, "I'm already in enough trouble as it is for getting involved with you at work," he mutters with a sigh, "I don't want to give Damien a reason to get any angrier at me."

I shake my head, "Damien isn't as stupid as he looks, it's clear that my plan is to have him cross the line by any means necessary, so he's not going to think you're the one coercing me. Therefore, he's only going to be mad at me, which I can definitely handle," I try to assuage, "besides, you're leaving the pack tonight, so he can't retaliate against you."

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