Changing the Future

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It was time for another check-up with Izuku. His blood should have replenished by now.

He hasn't seen Eri for two months.

He cried the first week apologizing over and over again. He begged for forgiveness but none came.

The second week he banged against the doors.

For the next six weeks, he sat quietly on his bed. He ate the bare minimum and barely moved. It got to the point were Overhaul made someone force-feed him.

He begged the people who made him eat. He begged for Eri.

He should have known better. When he lost control there will always be punishments. The only good thing about the situation was Overhaul. He can stop Izuku. He is why Izuku hasn't killed more. Overhaul is the only reason Izuku can live.

But Izuku knew this wasn't the only place for Eri. He had seen her quirk. She was no monster. There could be other places for her. Her quirk was a blessing and he made sure to tell her that every time.

It was him who truly had no place. He had killed so many. Without Overhaul, he is better off dead.

~ ~ ~

Izuku's head moved up when he heard his door being pushed open.

"Izuku," Overhaul spoke, he walked over to him, "I have come to the conclusion that your punishment is over."

As he was speaking. The little girl Eri popped her head in.

As Izuku's green mass of hair didn't fit into this white world everything about the little girl did. Her white hair down to her pale skin. Her hair was of course not pure white it was more of a shade of grey. The only fire in her was her dazzling red eyes. Just like Izuku's hair, her eyes stood out.

Eri squealed Izuku's name running over to him.

"Izuku-chan! Izuku-chan I am so happy!"

She hugged his legs standing on her tip topes trying to get him to hug her.

Izuku looked at Overhaul.

At that moment Overhaul had a glimmer of victory in his eyes. The boy asked permission to hug Eri. Two years with the little girl won't make up for seven years alone. She was an award and he knew it.

"Izuku-chan, Izu whats wrong? We are together again," Eri said hugging him harder.

With a slight node from Overhaul Izuku engulfed Eri in a hug. He bent down picking her up. He had her in his arms and they hugged. His arms started to shake as Eri's weight was too much for him. He tried to ignore it and hold her longer but he couldn't.

He whispered in her ear as he set her down, "I missed you so much."

His whispering never escaped Overhaul as he said, "Well that's good you both have another check-up. This time..."

Overhaul messed with his white gloves. They saw his wrist when the gloves slide down. They both stilled not moving.

Overhaul snapped his fingers and on cue, both of them took to his sides. Izuku on the right Eri left.

They walked down to the laboratory while Overhaul talked about Eri.

"It was Eri who help me decide to shorten your punishment. You see, we went on a little adventure outside."

Izuku was surprised he was never allowed outside but he didn't interrupt.

"We had an incident where a couple of idiots bumped into her. Eri was wonderful as the idiots asked her questions. She didn't answer any of them and she came running right back."

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