Staying at UA?

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There were three people in the room. Two of them were adults. 

"Izuku," Aizawa spoke, "This is Nezu. He is the principal of a school called UA." 

Both teachers saw the recognition in Izuku's eyes. 

"Oh, so you have heard of it?" Nezu asked. 

"It's been a while. What does UA have to do with Eri? Will she be there?"

Izuku would always bring up Eri. It didn't matter what someone was trying to say. It was the only thing he could think about. 

"If I may ask," Nezus beady eye's looking at Izuku, "What do you know of UA?"

"It's a school for Heroes. Everyone wants to go there when they are young."

Izuku glanced down at his legs. After he had tried to escape his legs felt like lead. His muscles aching. 

He kept fidgeting, the sheets in his hands threatened to fray. He couldn't help it. The bear thing made him nervous. He looked like he could see right through him. 

Shota made sure not to touch the metal on Izukus's bed when he leaned over looking at him from his chair, "Izuku. Please listen to me very carefully. Eri was very hurt and the doctors were able to save her life."

Izuku went still.

"We are going to take you to her, but she has fallen into a comma. We do not know how long it will take for her to wake up, or," Shota didn't finish. 

"She will wake up. She is the strongest person I know. She has to wake up. Her quirk won't let her die." Izuku almost shouted. 

Maybe to him, it was shouting. To the others, he finally reached a normal volume. 

"Clam down kid. You are going to be able to see her."

"Concerning UA," Nezu spoke, "I have made arrangements for the school to harbor you for a time. You could call it a type of adoption. Unless you know or have any memories of your parents that we could use to find them. 

"Overhaul is my Father." He said, with droned practice.

"Is he your real father?"

"No, but that doesn't matter. I don't share the same blood as Eri; she is my sister." 

Now the two adults didn't know what to do. 

"Izuku," a sigh from the taller one, "That is not the same. Do you have a last name by chance?"


"And?" Both of them said. 

"I don't see why that matters." 

"I see what is happening here. You fear that if you tell us your last name you will be separated from Eri. By the change that you have anyone who is related to you, you know that we have to send you to them."

Izuku nodded. 

"Very smart indeed. Well if that is your wish as of right now. I will stop looking into your past life and wait until you are ready to tell us." 

Nezu pulled an object out of the bag he had. 

"In due time we will be transferring you to UA, but I know how boring these places are, here you go kid." 

Nezu handed him a cube. 

"What is this?" Izuku asked.

"Try to put all the same colors on each of the sides of the cube. It's a puzzle. Eraserhead I would like to talk to you outside for a moment before I have to go."

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