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As soon as Eraserhead erased the boy's quirk all chaos stopped. 

Some of the people writhing in pain passed out. Most lay on the ground trying to breathe. Even the Villains weren't trying to run away. 

Eraserheads arm snapped right in half at the elbow. Sweat beat on his face as we walked up to the boy. 

"Lemillion," Eraserhead looked at him, "Please get the girl." 

"I'm on it Eraserhead."

"I've never seen that happen. I've never seen. How? I must have died. This isn't possible." Nighteye was muttering. 

"Lemillion. Nighteye is in shock. We need to get to the top, but the girl comes first." 

They all stood far beneath the road level. 

Eraserhead yelled, "GRAVITY!" 

A girl who seemed Izuku's age pushed the rubble off of her limping to Eraserhead. When Izuku's quirk went off it had dislocated her knee. 

"Yes Sir!"

"Take Eri and float up. Do not move the spike. If you do she will die." 

Within seconds, Gravity was floating three people up. The other two trying to hold Eri steady. 

Eraserhead had picked up Izuku. The boy was unconscious, probably with a concussion and a fractured arm. 

Gravity came back down and took Eraserhead and Izuku up. 

Before Eraserhead came up Eri was already been driven away. He then placed Izuku in the next ambulance and joined them as they blazed down the road. 


"Give me a status update now."

The nurse came out to talk to Eraserhead and mostly pushed him into another room to treat his broken arm. 

"The little girl with white hair is in critical condition. We don't know if she's going to make it. The boy is unconscious and has a concussion which is bad because we don't know if he will wake up. He also hurt his arm, but it's not as bad as yours."

"Treat my arm then I want to see the boy." 

The nurse looked at him but did push him into a room with a doctor there with a mild healing quirk. The Doctor was able to set his arm and cast it. Lastly, he strapped it to his chest so he couldn't move it at all. 

His eyes were dark only made darker by the eyebags under them.

He was led into the boy's room who had been banged up and was laying in a hospital bed. Eraserhead then walked a ways to the girl. There was a glass window he could look through but she was surrounded by doctors. He watched for a long time as they worked. 

Eraserhead's worst experiences started to come up in his mind like bubbles in soda. He went through times when he wasn't able to save a person, a teenager, once a kid. 

His heart fell as he thought of the count going to two kids.

He left and went back to the boy. He sat down in a chair across from Izuku leading back as his arm throbbed in pain. 

"Izuku," Eraserhead said. He said hearing the boy's name when the monster of the man was screaming it. "What is your quirk?" 

How could he have so much power? What was the black lightning? How did his arm snap? 

All of the answers escaped him.

And it was about time when the pain become too much and he passed out in the chair he was in.

Eraserhead who didn't know how long he was asleep woke up from the pain in his arm. Another person was sitting next to him in Izuku's room. 

"Eraserhead none of you students died, Red Riot was extremely injured and almost everyone has a dislocated joint or a broken bone. There were three casualties." Eraserheads heart dropped. "Rock Lock. And a couple that fell to death when the road collapsed underneath them." 

Rock Lock was a good man with a wife and a new child.

A headache pulsed through Eraserhead. No matter how many times he heard it, it never got easier.

He let out a huge sigh. 

"I'm sorry to hear about it. Has Rocks family been told yet?" Eraserhead asked. 

"That I do not know." 

It was Amajiki Tamaki who was sitting next to Eraserhead. He too was hurt during the battle, but he was too hurt to see the final battle. 

Amajiki is one of the big three at UA, a school for heroes. His quirk lets him turn into the things that he eats. He had always gotten along with Eraserhead and knew where he would be. 

"Amajiki," Eraserhead Sighed again, "Are you okay?"

Knowing the heaviness of his question Amajiki answered, "Does it ever get easier?"

They looked at the battered green-haired boy. 

"It never gets easier." Tears started to drip down the younger one face. "Amajiki. You can't save everyone someday you might have to choose who to save. But you must remember, you cannot forget, You must never give up."

They sat in silence as they watched the boy breathe. Amajiki got up and left the room after the sun had set through the window. A beautiful eerie of colors filled the sky. It cast colors into the room making everything look beautiful. 

Eraserhead got up and looked out the window. He saw a family walking outside laughing as they swung one of their kids between them. 

They must have just visited a loved one, and that loved one had a turn for the better because they were all smiling from ear to ear. 

He didn't realize how long he looked out the window until he looked at Izuku. The light that was once on the boy had been replaced by darkness. The sun no longer wanted to show what happened today. Still, he had to blink not believing that even the last rays of light seemed to be bending around the boy making him darker than anything else in the room. 

He tried to blink again this time keeping his eye's closed. As soon as he opened his eyes again Izuku was still there. The light, slowly the last ray of sunshine left, died along with this dreadful day. His dark green hair; black.

Eraserhead dipped his head into his hand. 

"How long did they have you?" He whispered.


Hi Readers!

This chapter is a ton shorter than what I normally do but it felt right. 

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