Back to School

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If you haven't heard yet I was suspended for a week three months into the school due to a huge fight. I had beaten a boy up pretty badly due to him making my best friend uncomfortable and tried to force her to go out with him but no one believed me when I told them what happened because he was the captain of the football team. And besides he was the richest in the whole school his parents basically own the school. I was surprised that I wasn't expelled. My parents were pissed but also happy I don't know how though. They told me that I could take more than a week off school so that's what I did.

I was standing in front of red wood doors 3 weeks later looked past the white brick walls that wrapped all around the school. The building had around six or more floors. It looked like a damn castle but I'm not complaining because most of the time I usually skip a class and go up to the roof and write in my journal. I walked up to the red wooden doors and opened them before walking in and closing the doors behind me. There was a huge garden surrounding the school and their were all different types of flowers but my favorites were all the different colored roses. Before I headed towards the school I walked over to where the roses were and bent down smelling them. I'll never get tired of their smell. I yanked one out of the bushes being careful not to touch the thorns as I brought it up to my nose to smell it. I smiled as I walked to the school doors.

I opened the huge doors and saw students walking through the main hall trying to get to their classes. Some of them looked at me and saw their eyes widen in shock. I saw a small figure shove through the crowded hall before nearly tackling me to the ground. "Well hello there" I said looking down at my friend Gracie who had her head buried into my chest. She looked up and I saw her two beautiful different colored eyes making me smile. She pulled away before frowning. "I thought you were expelled" she cried out and I pulled her into another hug. "Hey don't cry I'm back" I said and she tightened her grip around me. I looked up to see people staring at us. They rushed off when I glared at them all.

I heard Gracie's breathing even out before we pulled away and I wiped her tear stained face off. The bell rang signaling for us to head to class. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to me. "So what did I miss" I said and looked down to see her thinking. "Well for one Victor hasn't been back to school in two weeks" she said and I smirked as we came up to my locker and I unlocked it. Oh yeah Victor was the football captain the one that I beat up. "That's awesome news I hope he never comes back he was such a dick" I said opening my locker and grabbing my stuff. I heard Gracie laugh making me look over to see her bent over laughing. I raised my eyebrow before I poked her in the side and she started laughing even more. I just shook my head before shutting my locker and locking it. "Come on weirdo" I said grabbing her hand and walking towards our first class. "Oh and there's something else you need to know" she said and I looked over at her. "What is it" I said and she just smirked before walking ahead of me dragging me along with her. "Gracie spit it out already" I whined out and she giggled before turning around to look at me. "Since you were gone for three weeks four new teachers joined the school" she said as we headed to the elevator to go to the 4th floor where the senior classes were. She pressed the up button, we waited for a couple seconds until the doors opened and we walked in. "Gracie don't leave me hanging like that what do they look like and are they woman" I said and she didn't say anything making me huff.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out hearing the doors close behind us. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our English class.

Gracie knocked on the door and we waited awhile before the door opened and my mouth dropped to the ground. Standing in front of me was a really tall woman. She had pale skin like she didn't get much sun and her eyes were a piercing sky blue. Her hair was pitch black like the night sky. She had it up in a messy low bun which made her look really hot. She had a perfectly defined jawline and sharp cheekbones. She wore dark eyeshadow that made her piercing sky blue eyes pop. What made her even more hotter was that she wore a black turtleneck shirt, with grey plaid suit pants and a matching blazer. She had a golden watch on her right wrist and I saw a wedding ring on her ring finger making me sad inside. Around her neck she wore a gold chain necklace that rested just above her chest. As we walked past her I saw her stiffen up making me confused. We sat down in a empty table in the front row right in front of her desk. I watched as she shut the door before walking back to the front of the class and went back to teaching and god was her voice hot. I turned and leaned in whispering into Gracie's ear. "Who the hell is that fucking goddess" I asked and she covered her mouth holding back her giggles. She calmed down before leaning towards me and whispered into my ear. "That's Xander Wishbone well Mrs. Wishbone" she whispered into my ear and I looked back over to see the woman looking directly at me making me shiver. I saw her lips twitch up into a smirk as she wrote something down on the chalkboard.

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