On and Off

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There's a small collection of
blank notebooks in my drawer.

Maybe two, I can't remember.

I grab one and a nearby pen,
ready to turn one into a
future bestseller or another journal.

It's stored away again out of fear.

The pages are still pristine and perfect.
No proof of a half-finished story.

Or any story.

Nothing to count as a failure. Or an accomplishment.

I stare now at a blinking cursor trying
to type any string of coherent
sentences in some vain attempt to
become the only thing I think I'm good for.

It keeps blinking.

I have to keep typing.
I just have to type and type. Forever.

...I'm hungry.
Guess I'll take another break.

Caffeine and MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang