Taking My Words

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I love the words you sing to me.

Perhaps because they are the words

I wish I had the talent to write.

Or the guts to admit it to myself.

What hurts most is when I use those words,

It feels like a crime.

While you were not the original creator

You are the true artist who brings

those words,

those feelings,

those bouts of pain to life.

I swallow my pain like a bitter pill.

Like you. 

We swallow it dry.

I'll listen to your words again,

mold myself to your anguish and cries.

For every drop of sweat that runs down

my neck is a shared tear you might have shed

re-living your pain.

Every step I take is a step you might have

used to stomp your demons out.

You have taken my words,

you won the right to them. 

I will earn the right to use them again soon.

I have more words I can use.

We will share them--the singer and the girl who

found him when she needed his words most.

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