Chapter 2

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"What was that all about?" Robbie asked as we pulled away from the docks and headed back to his place. I ignored his question. Luca was my high school sweetheart. We were always getting into things we shouldn't. His mom was the closest thing I had to a mother. But then everything started to change. Luca became more and more distant, and then I found out he was getting involved with the family business. I was going to tell him I was pregnant, but I didn't want Leah growing up like that. I wanted her to have a normal childhood. Robbie still watched me, waiting for an answer. "It was Luca." I finally answered him. "Yeah but-" I motioned to Leah, cutting him off. "It was Luca's," I whispered. Robbie gawked at me. When we got back to the house, we left Leah outside to play.

"Is that why you left?" Robbie asked as we sat in the living room watching Leah.

"Luca couldn't find out about her. You know what he's like."

"That's her father." Robbie looked disappointed in me.

"Robbie you know as well as I do, that I couldn't raise her around that." I thought back to the first time I'd met Luca's father. He never smiled and always had a crew of men with him. Luca began acting like his father before I left. I could only imagine how he'd act around Leah. "Look." Robbie pointed outside. I looked up to see a boat approaching the dock. "Leah! Get inside!" I shouted at Leah. "Why?" Leah looked as if she were ready to fight this. "Leah, now please." She huffed and groaned slowly, dragging her feet inside. We watched as the boat stopped and Kate Denzel jumped out. "Oh my gosh." Luca's mother made her way towards the house.

"Kate?" I hurried towards her.

"My son said he'd seen you at your brother's shack, I just had to come to see you myself." She wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Has it really been five years?" I giggled to myself. Kate was the closest thing I had to a mother growing up. "Hey, Mrs. Denzel, how have you been?" Robbie gave her a light hug. "Hey, there kid, doing much better now that your sister is home." Kate smiled brightly while she looked me up and down, almost in awe. "Come on, we need to have a serious talk." Kate pulled me towards the patio. "About what?" I asked as we sat down on the chairs by the pool. I wondered if Luca saw Leah.

"Why'd you leave?" Kate jumped right into the main question, everyone asked.

"It's uh...complicated."

"Go on, explain." Kate made herself comfortable.

"Well Robbie had his family here and I just didn't see myself staying here for the rest of my life."

"How was it?" Kate's brows raised upwards.

"Not too great. I traveled around for a while, but nothing felt like home."

"Well, that's because you were looking for something you already had, sweetheart."

"Maybe." I shrugged sitting back in my seat.

"Momma...I need my turtle." Leah mumbled from behind us. I felt the color drain from my face as Leah stood there staring right at Kate. Leah looked to me hoping she wouldn't be in trouble. Leah's blonde hair and blue eyes were identical to her father's, there was no denying Kate was looking at her son's child.

"Is this it?" Kate picked up Robbie's gift from the side table next to us and smiled brightly while handing it to her. "Thank you." Leah mumbled again, taking the toy and running to play. "Maybe you weren't looking for a home, but trying to make one?" Kate smiled at me as if she didn't notice a resemblance between Leah and Luca. Could she not tell Leah is her granddaughter? "Maybe." I responded trying to stay relaxed. Kate sighed, still smiling and taking in the sunset. "I hope you're going to tell him." Kate finally spoke.


"I hope now that you're back, you will tell Luca about her."

I stared at her in response.

"You can't hide her in this town Lana, and she's a spitting image of her father. I'd recognize those blue eyes anywhere."

"Then I'll leave." I whispered.

"You know in your heart that I couldn't let you take her again." I was surprised at how serious her tone had gotten. "I love you sweetheart, but I need to go." She stood up quickly, no longer smiling. "Wait! Don't tell him." I pleaded with her. "Milana, you've robbed us all of her for five years. He should've been there. We all should've."

"You know it wasn't an easy choice, Kate. How could I be expected to raise her around that?" I tried to explain myself.

"You let your personal feelings towards what we do take something so precious from us. We didn't get to be there for her first words, or first steps. You will tell him or I will Lana. I love you but the longer you wait the angrier he'll be."

"She's my child!" I finally stood up.

"She's also his. I understand your reasons for leaving, truly, but it was wrong, and I think you know that."

"I can't tell him Kate." She nodded once and slowly left. "Fuck!" I shouted out loud. I ran inside to find Robbie. "How'd it go?" Robbie immediately asked. "Why weren't you watching Leah!" I lashed out at Robbie. "What?" He looked around confused. "She came out! Kate knows! She's going to tell Luca! We have to leave now!" I ran a hand through my hair and paced back and forth.

"Woah calm down Lana. It's going to be okay, you and Leah are not going anywhere okay? You guys just stay with me, I'll protect you."

"Robbie, you can't protect me from them!"

"Yes I can, they love you whether you like it or not, they wouldn't cross me or hurt me out of respect for you, that gives me an advantage." Robbie explained. "That makes no sense." I groaned. "Just stay with me. Please. You can help out at the shack so you're not left alone anywhere." I considered this for a moment. It's possible if I stay Luca will find out about Leah, but he can't exactly take her from me. Maybe I should tell Luca. I didn't think they'd still be here, they were constantly leaving town for months on end. Maybe if I stick around they'll continue to do that, it will be like they're visiting now and then. But then there's the secret I kept from Leah. The big lie I've told her all her life. How could a four year old understand that? I've really hurt my daughter by keeping this from her. 

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