Chapter 15

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The next morning I decided to leave Leah with Luca, and go for a run with Carla. We ran a lot when we were younger. We haven't had much time to catch up, so I figured now would be the best time. "Why didn't you tell me you were back?" Carla asked as we slowed down. "I didn't want anyone to know I was back." I lifted my arms above my head as we walked. "But once people knew, once Luca knew, why didn't you try to find me?"

"I didn't know you were still around. I didn't know how to find you to be honest. Once I found out Antonio was on his way, I asked Delilah for help, I knew she worked for Luca, and had connections and could track you down. By the way, where were you when she called? You got here overnight."

"I was at Moray Island."

"Woah, Moray Island, why?" Moray Island wasn't far from here. It was just a few miles from the docks, and not many people go there because of old wives' tales. In the story a long time ago people lived and worked on the island and one day a young boy and his brother, or was it his sister? Well, they were playing in the water or maybe swimming, I can't really remember. Anyways, the tale goes on to say that the boy was swept away by a giant Moray Eel, leaving no sign of the boy. He was never seen again, and because of that story locals here typically stay away from that island. I'm not sure if I believe that or not, I've never seen any giant moray eels here growing up, and moray's that I have seen typically aren't aggressive. Not to mention there are actually people still living on that island. They fuel the story by putting a memorial up on the shore, for the boy, to lure in tourists. "Luca sent me and a few others to handle some trades for him."

"What kind of trades?" I wanted to know more.

"I'm not allowed to say, but you could guess since you know what kind of business he's running." That's true I did know about his illegal dealings.

"When did you start working for him?"

"After you left. I got into some trouble in the girl's home and ran away. Kate saw me on the streets and remembered me. She took me in and Luca offered me a job and a place to stay."

"Was it hard, at first? Working for him?"

"As bad as it seems, I'm happy. I did what I needed to survive and now I'm thriving. Once you're in, it's like you have a new family. The Denzel's and their crew, they're my family now. We take care of each other."

"Do you ever feel guilty?"

"The only guilt I feel comes from not actually feeling guilty for any of it. We do what we have to do to survive." I was surprised at her response. Carla has changed a lot, she sounded as ruthless as Luca or Antonio, yet I know her heart is pure. Maybe it's possible to be both pure and ruthless. Maybe Luca has a bigger heart than I realized. Don't get me wrong. I know Luca is capable of loving. I know he loves me, and Leah, but maybe I hadn't realized what that truly meant. "Carla, can I ask you for a favor?"

"What, you want to join the dark side?" she giggled.

"Well, I want to learn to defend myself better, I can fight, I know what I've learned from growing up partly on the streets, but I want to learn the way you did. I want to be able to take on Antonio."

"You want to fight Antonio?"

"No. I want to kill him if necessary." I admitted.

"If I help you, are you going to go after him?"

"Not unless he makes the first move. Carla, there's always going to be a chance he will try to finish what he started. I want to be able to protect myself and Leah."

"You don't have to, I will, all of us will." Carla tried to change my mind. "This is something I have to do Carla, if he makes a move I need to be the one to finish it." I stopped walking to face her. "Are you completely sure about this?" Carla raised an eyebrow in hopes I would say no. "Yes." I shook my head. "Then we will start tomorrow." Carla smiled lightly and grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly. "I don't know if I've said it yet but Leah's so beautiful, Lana." We continued walking. "Thank you, I just wished she looked more like me." I laughed. "She does, I can see you in her a lot more than you think. So does Kate. She told me herself." We both giggled. I'd never thought Leah looked much like me. I always saw Luca. I really missed this. It was nice to spend time with Carla like this when we were younger. I missed Carla. She was the only sister I ever had. The only friend I truly had growing up. There's no one I trust more with my life. And I can't lie, the idea of getting to train with her to be able to take on Luca or Antonio or any man to cross me, is exciting. 

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