Chapter 9

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--- Back at Dr.Bender Dental office ---

Third POV

"Gaze upon them, Wendel!" Dr. Bender said. Dentist and son, still in their ninja costums, eyeing the teeth of Chip Skylark as he placed them down on a fluffy white pillow.

"The greatest teeth in the universe! And they're all mine!!!" He laughed evily, his son soon joining in.

But their laughters were short lived.

A poof sounded from behind the door, shortly before it was kicked down.

Timmy and (Y/N), in their disguises, stood in the doorway. "Teeth that perfect belong to the world, Dr. Bender!" Timmy said.

"Who are they, Pop?" Wendel asked.
"I don't know. The goofy teeth and (H/L) (H/C) hair seem familiar, but the tiara's have me baffled. Their identities are totally obscured, not to mension those tiara's match their outfits!"

"But it doesn't matter, 'cause whoever you two are... YOU'LL NEVER GET THESE TEETH!" Dr. Bender shouted, stricking a ninja pose and pulling out his tooth-gun weapon, firing teeth at both (Y/N) and Timmy roots first.

However, siblings simply smile. Revealing their magic braces, which deflected the tooth bullets.
Timmy leaps and avoids a few more teeth coming his way. He then holds out his toothpaste bracelet, firing it at Dr. Bender.

But the creepy dentist thinks fast and jumps out of the way. The toothpaste blast instead hitting Wendel, who is then pasted and thrown back against the wall.

After Bender landed on the ground, he pulls out his weapon. A staff with a dental hook at one end and a mirror attached to the other side.

The brother and sister each revealing their giant electric toothbrushes. Bender and (Y/N)'s weapons collide with one another first. He however, manages to reflect a display light with his mirror into (Y/N)'s eyes.

The teenage girl was blinded, stumbling back a few steps.

Before he can trip her, Timmy blocks his attack, getting tripped instead. He ends up falling backwards into a row of big human teeth that scatter like bowling pins.

(Y/N), now recovered, pulls out a line of floss from her Floss of Truth container and aims at Bender. "You can't fight my Floss Lasso! It will make you tell the truth!"

The lasso wraps around Bender. It's magic surrounds him. The teen is quick to tie him up before he can escape.

As she does this, Timmy walkes over. "Now... Does chewing gum after meals actually help to cut down plaque?" The young boy askes, leaning in a little closer.

Bender starts sweating, struggling against the lasso's magic, but it's of no use. "The jury is out. Some dentists believe that, but we're not entirely sure."

Meanwhile (Y/N) walked over to the pillow where Chip's teeth were on display. She pulls out a clean tissue and wraps them up, binding the ends together in a knot.

"We gotta get out of here!" Timmy yells out to her, (Y/N) quick to follow behind him. Unbeknown to eithter of them, that Bender had scooched over to his weapon laying not much further from him. He had managed to snap the floss with his dental hook.

He got to the door before Timmy and (Y/N) did. "Oh, no you don't!" Bender grinnes, smashing a button on the wall and every exit is coverd by a metal door.
"HA! You two are trapped! And as soon as I remove those tiara's, I'm going to figure out your secret identities, and jank and/or wrip your teeth out."

"No!" The siblings yell out, trying to get away.

Bender grabs one of those big dental suction devices, turns it on and aims for Timmy and (Y/N). The two start getting sucked towards the dentist.

"We can't get Bender get these teeth!" (Y/N) says, one hand tightly holding onto the tissue with Chip's teeth, while the other holds onto the floor to prevent her from getting sucked away.
Their eyes seaching around the room for anything that could be of any help to them.

"The pillow!" Timmy says loud enough for her to hear. "Right!" (Y/N) tosses the teeth to Timmy and grabs hold of the container of floss attached to her hip. The magic lasso manages to wrap around the pillow. Pulling the fluffy pillow towards them, they each grab hold of the bag of teeth and disappear.

However, unbeknown to Bender.

The dentist laughing in victory as he walks closer to the pillow. "There's no escaping me, buck-toothed and (H/C)-haired tooth-themed superheroes! I-..." Bender begins, only to remove the pillow and realise they are no longer there.

Instead, there lay a silver coin on the floor of his dental office. "Just a quater?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He yells out in anger, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat.

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now