Chapter 14

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Your POV

I was so focused on Timmy switching their voices back to normal that I hadn't noticed Chip still holding my hand.

Not that it was any better when I did.
Our gazes going from our hands to each others faces before we let go of each others hands. My face was burning up.

"Come on, let's sit here." He suggested, taking a seat in the front row. I sat down on his right.

We watched as the crew from Teeth T.V. were finishing setting up the last few things on stage. In order for the musical to be send out live across whole Dimmsdale.

"I heard this Turner kid is terrific!" One said, going through a box of material.
"Yeah, he's the new Chip Skylark." Another crew member commented, checking one of the camera lenses.

I glanced back at Chip who sunk away in his chair utterly embarressed.

I smiled in compassion to the teen beside me. "You know what?" I commented, scootching over a little.
"To me, there is only one Chip Skylark, and that will always be you. I truly mean that."

He looked back at me, right in my eyes. A little smile growing on his face, as his cheeks grew red.

"T-Thanks (Y/N)." He said, avoiding my eyes.

That when it hit me what I had just said. I slapped my hand over my mouth. My cheeks growing crimson red as I turned to avoid the teenager beside me by any mean necessary.

More people started to arrive as the show was about to start. Including Mom and Dad.

But Dad stopped before us, glancing from Chip to me and back. Our cheeks probably growing a darker shade under his stare. "Hey! Aren't you Chip Skylark?!" Dad commented curious yet excited.

"I was..." Chip sighed sadly.

"Oooh, so was I! In this dream I had last night. Oh, but I had a much better voice then you. And peanut buttter. There was peanut butter everywhere!" He said overly excited.

Chip now growning somewhat uncomfortable. "Geez, thanks Dad." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"No problem!" Dad said, before taking a seat beside Mom.

"Don't pay him any attention. He means well, but it just doesn't always come out that way." I whispered back to him, patting his shoulder in comfort.

Chip giving me an appreciative smile.

The audience started to settle down, the chef of the camera-crew giving a sign that they were now live. The little red lights lighting up.

The curtains were lifted to reveal the stage. It was set to look like an abandoned warehouse or something.

Three guys wearing bandit outfits and a tied-up Trixie. They all looked a little, how should I put it... stunned to say the least.

Trixie 'pulling' against her restrances in the hope to break free, but to no avail.
The bad guys laughing as one of them placed down a bom on the table in front of her. The timer growing closer to zero.
The girl letting out a horrified scream while the bandits laughed.

That is, until one of the walls exploded. Timmy now appearing in the opening.

"Oh, Ryan!" She said 'reliefed', "I thoughed we were doomed!"

"Not on my watch!-"

"-And according to my watch, it's time for the Dimmsdale pledge of allegiance." He said, glancing down at his watch.

Most people in the audience looking down at their little brochure of the play, utterly confused.

"We can't do a live TV broadcast without residing the Dimmsdale pledge of allegiance." He commented.

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now