Aren't we friends?

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Natsuki's POV:

As the bell rings i get up from my seat and start heading to the club.When i get there i see sayori happily get up to greet me before monika comes over to say hi as well, after that i sit down next to yuri.

"Hey whats up"she jumps as i start talking probably not expecting anyone to start talking to her.

"O-oh hey natsuki, nothing much i g-guess"she says, but before i was able to respond monika starts her daily speech.

"Okay, everyone its time to share poems and after that we can go home and get ready for all of our sleepovers, but do keep in mind that the sleepovers aren't just for fun they are also to prepare for the festival so before you start going off and doing your own thing make sure you are done or almost done with your preparations, anyways time to share poems."After this i look over to yuri which looks back making us make eye contact, after a few seconds of silence i finally speak up.

"So do you wanna share poems?"

"Oh y-yeah right"she says as she pulls out her poem and i pull out mine.We both read in silence for a bit until i finish reading her poem, but this time i decided to not be a complete asshole and actually give her some  positive feedback because we are about to have a sleepover so it would be a bit weird if we just had a sleepover after a big fight.

"Its pretty good to be honest"

"Oh really, t-thanks natsuki, yours is also r-really good" 

"Thanks"i say while looking up at her beautiful and genuine smile, that makes me slightly blush."Well i guess i will see you in a bit"

"Alright bye natsuki"

"Cya"i say before heading over to sayori who looks shocked. 

"Oh my god"


"You actually talked to yuri without fight with her I never thought i would see that"

"Haha very funny sayori" i say as i slightly punch her shoulder.

"Hehe~, welp i guess time to share poems"after we share poems we give each other feedback  and move onto the next person.

"Hey natsuki"monika says in her usual cheerful voice.

"Hey monika"i say as we swap poems and give each other feedback before i start to walk off, but then i feel her tap my shoulder.

"Hey i natsuki are you gonna, you know, confess this weekend?"When she says this i feel my body tense up.

"W-what are you crazy!?"i whisper yell so the others didn't hear."Of course not, because we are obviously not on the best of terms"

"Ok,ok i get it no need to get mad"she says but before she walks away i smile thinking of one more thing to say to her.

"Hey monika"


"How about you, are you gonna confess to your crush this weekend?"

"W-what are you talking about natsuki?haha" she stutters as she turns red.

"You know what im talking about you like sayori don't you?"

"N-no why would i, im s-straight after all"

"Then why  are you turning red and why are you stuttering"

"But how did you figure that out?"

"Pfff, thats easy you guys walk home everyday, you guys are always together, also you alwasy look at her during the club and its pretty obvious by the way you look at her."I say as she sighs.

I Won't Let Anything Hurt You~Natsuri+SayonikaWhere stories live. Discover now