I love you more than anything

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Yuri's POV:

I slowly open my eyes as i yawn and look down to see the top of natsuki's head as the memories of last night come back to me and i smile while i slightly laugh to myself knowing that me and natsuki are most likly a thing now.As i stretch i feel natsuki move as she groans a bit before looking up at me.

"Good morning"she says with a tired tone in her voice as she wipes her eyes.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?"

"Probably the best in a long time because i'm not constantly inhaling the smell of a alcohol and smoke as i try to fall asleep"she laughs.

"Oh speaking of that we still need to call the cops we completly forgot, i guess we were to caught up on what happened"

"Yeah i guess we did"she says as i reach for my phone.As im on the phone with the cops they inform me that the neighbors say and heard the whole thing and he has already been arrested, but i tell her our side of the story and she said that this would make his sentance longer as long as we showed up to court which was a prett good deal.After i got off the phone i told natsuki about the whole thing and she was extremly happy about it, we both were to be honest.

"Hey natsuki, are you hungry?because i would love to make breakfast"

"Sure sounds great"she says with a cheerful tone in her voice and a smile i smile back as she gets off of me and i get up as i follow her to the kitchen.

"So are you ok with pancakes?"i ask as i wash my hands.

"Hell yes!"she exclaims obvisuly, as i giggle to myself."Whats so funny?"

"Oh nothing its just cute how excited you got over pancakes."

"Oh shut up"she says as she crosses her arms and i laugh more as i grab everything i need out of the pantry.While im making the pancakes we keep talking bout what happened last night with her dad and we had other conversations like the festival and monika and sayori dating.But thats when she brings up something i have been thinking for a while now."So yuri, what are are we?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"You know, what happened last night in the car are we a thing now, like officail?"

"I mean i would love that if you're ok with it"she laughs at this.

"I am more than ok with that"she says as she smiles sweetly.

"Heh i never thought this would actually happen, because were like polar opposites"

"Pff yeah you can say that again"i laugh as i finish the pancakes  and set them down on the table.Natsuki quickly grabs 2 and puts them on her plate i do the same, as soon as she takes the first bite her eyes light up.

"Holy crap, are these homade?"

"Yeah, are they good?"

"Yes, where did you learn this recipe?"

"Oh its actually a family recipe i learned it when i was younger"

"Well, its really good"

"Thanks I'm glad you like it"I say as we both start eating.A minute or two of silence but we don't really noitice because we are eating but that was until natsuki broke the silence with a question i was kinda afraidshe would ask.

"By the way, where are your parents?"

"Well there on a business trip right now, they sould be back soon though i don't know when"

"Wait so you're telling me that your parents left on a buiness trip and didn't tell you when they would be back?"

"Well they did say they would be back in a month almost a month ago now"

I Won't Let Anything Hurt You~Natsuri+SayonikaWhere stories live. Discover now