Chapter 83: Big Dream Life (1)

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Xie Yingtao said that she was called Xie Yingtao because his father brought fresh cherries home in the early morning of late spring and washed them for his mother and sent them to the office.

My mother had a meeting that morning and was furious because of the decline in performance. Later, the employees who stood outside the office waiting to be criticized were like seeing a savior when they saw Dad coming.

So when my mom criticized others, my dad would feed my mom one by one cherries, blocking her mouth.

Later, Mr. Bai's love to eat cherries was spread in the company.

Xie Yingtao said, in fact, where my mother loves to eat cherries, she just likes her father to feed her cherries.

The friends are very interested in the origin of Xie Cherry's name. They also want to eat cherries, but it is summer and the cherries are out of season.

The little guys expressed their pity one after another, and then reached out and touched the black and soft ponytail of Xie Cherry, which was like a satin-like black and soft ponytail.

At the same table, Qiao Jiajia said to Xie Yingtao enviously: "I know, your father often goes on TV and drives a lot. My mother said that she is a fan of your father and asked me to ask you for an autograph."

She handed the notebook to Xie Yingtao, and Xie Yingtao solemnly collected the book: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

Although among the children, Xie Sui's idol halo made Xie Cherry's face brighter, but most of the time, she was actually very afraid of her father.

Dad is really fierce and often sullen his face. Xie Yingtao was shocked when he saw him.

Every time Dad came to pick her up from school and saw a boy approaching her to talk to her, Dad would scold the boy and drive him away.

Xie Yingtao is eight years old this year, with a little natural baby fat on her face, white and soft skin, hair like satin, and her **** eyes are like the agile deer in the mountains and forests. She looks extremely cute.

Her mother is already very beautiful, plus Xie Sui's immortal appearance, the daughter born out is just as beautiful as an elf.

Walking down the street, anyone could not help but look at this little girl more.

Therefore, Xie Sui takes care of her daughter very tightly and will not let unfamiliar adult men contact her.

That day, he picked up Xie Yingtao and went home from school and walked to the roadside dessert shop. Xie Yingtao said he wanted to eat ice to bully.

Xie Sui said dissatisfied that he was eating ice cream junk food. Despite the scolding, he went to the dessert shop to buy ice bully for his daughter. When he came back, he saw a strange man pinching her face, with a wretched smile on his face.

Xie Yingtao stood there stupidly, not knowing how to dodge.

Xie Sui's temples tightened suddenly, without a word, he stepped forward and threw him to the ground, not forgetting to bully the ice into Xie Cherry's mouth.

He beat the man hard.

That time, Xie Yingtao was really terrified. She licked the ice cream and cried while clutching the corner of her father's clothes. The cream was mixed with tears and turned into a little painted face.

Xie Sui's face was tense and low, picked up Xie Yingtao and hurried home.

In the evening, Jibai said that he should restrain his emotions a little bit, and shouldn't move rough in front of his daughter and frighten her.

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