5: A Girl Friend

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Y/n took the oddly shaped food from the half-demon's hand. Her emerald eyes looking back up at the violet orbs that held a cold expression. She found it odd, all of her friends had purple orbs. Was earth not diverse? Y/n unwrapped the paper from the waffle-like cone. Biting into the crepe and then exploding with happiness.

Raven sat beside her and avoided eye contact, "Feeling better?"

"Yes, very much. Many thanks, Ven-chan! Does this means we are Girl Friends now?" Y/n asked with an innocent smile.

Raven turned pinker than the girl's hair. Retreating back into what was once her hoodie. The jacket had turned into a cape, with a crimson jewel holding it together. A navy, legless leotard replaced the ripped jeans. A golden belt with similiar gems decorating the half-demon's waist. Her nails still held their black color but another red diamond had appeared on her forehead, displaying her lineage to Y/n.

Y/n poked at her cheek, an arm wrapped around her shoulder as her face nuzzled into the girl's back happily.

"Did I say something wrong, I'm still not doing well with speaking like Earthling's it seems.. no matter how much Sai-kun helps me," Y/n sulked. The girl's leaning forward as she floated sadly.

"It's fine. But, girlfriend is a term used for people who are courting. But, it can be used between two female friends or more. You were so close I just assumed, don't worry about it. Really," Raven found herself smiling. This girl had melted her cold soul slightly in only seconds.

"I see! Then we are the girlfriends! But, as two females compadres!"

Raven ruffled the girl's hair with a nod. The two of them sharing the crepe as new friends.


Kusuo on the contrary was having the worst time of his life, Nendou, Teruhashi, Kaidou, and Hairo had all managed to corner him in the mall while he looked for Y/n. He had to find a way to get them all away, dreading having to do anymore than what should be necessary on his weekend. He caught sight of a girl dressed in a navy hoodie and familiar reddish-pink hair from the corner of his eye. They were going to one of those old-fashioned karaoke places made for teens.

Teruhashi caught Saiki eyeing the outlet, "I have an idea! Since everyone is here, why don't we do Karaoke together! Wouldn't that be so fun?"

"Hehe, this is the perfect chance to get Saiki to say, oh wow! I can see it now, I'm up there singing my heart out and Saiki is completely blown away and then finally he'll get down on his knees and brag about my many talents and beauty! Now, if only I could find a way to nicely get rid of these.. friends of his." The bluenette thought to herself, attempting to grab onto Saiki. He dodged.

"That's a great idea, isn't it guys? Perfect chance to have some bonding time!" Hairo smiled excitedly, dragging both Nendou and Kaidou inside while Kokomi and Saiki followed.

The former pouting at the lack of a reaction from the pinkette.

"We'd like a room for 5, please?" Kaidou ran his fingers through his hair suspiciously, then pulled out his wallet.

"We have a room for ten, but two people are already inside. I'm sure you all can share it with them?" The cashier sweatdropped at Kaidou's stony expression.

The boy handed him the cash and the group followed behind the cashier down the halls.

"Hey buddy, you're being pretty quiet. Is everything okay?" Nendou patted Saiki's arm in reassurance.

"Meh, Saiki is probably scared of messing up in front of Teruhashi-san. He probably sucks at singing," Kaidou laughed.

"Oh, don't say that Kaidou-kun," Kokomi put a finger to her lips as she practically glowed, "You shouldn't be mean to your friends."

The bluenette blushed and ruffled his locks, "I'm sorry, Teruhashi-san."

The girl just giggled, throwing open the room door to find Y/n and Raven hunched over a list of songs from the machine on a sofa. Laughing under there breath and nudging each other playfully. Kaidou went red,

"Holy shit! Karaoke is the best, who knew we'd share a room with two hot girl's!?"

Raven's comfortableness disappeared at the sight of new people, she once again fled into the comfort of her baggy clothing.

"Hi ladies, do you mind sharing your room with these nice people?" The worker asked, to which Y/n shook her head.

She rubbed circles on Raven's back to comfort her growing anxiety. Her eyes catching Saiki's form, she froze. But, shook it off as Kaidou and Hairo introduced themselves.

"Hey there, My name is Hairo Kineshi. This is Kaidou Shun, the tall guy is Riki Nendou, the lady is Kokomi Teruhashi, and the quiet dude is our friend Kusuo Saiki!" The red head extended his hand out to the more social girl.

Y/n had learned this as a form of greeting between humans, she shook his hand.

"My name is Y/n, this is my girl friend Raven. Nice to meet ya! Right, Ven-chan?" Y/n clung to the purplette's arm, somehow sensing her anxiousness.



Kusuo laughed internally at the Shun's struggle to get a girlfriend. His glance soom slit into suspicion. This was the girl from the sweet's shop. What was she doing with Y/n? The psychic couldn't pry into the half-demon's mind, it was like her brain was a computer with a heavily incripted firewall that not even he could break. He decided to use his telepathy to communicate with the pinkette instead while the other's picked out their songs.

"Y/n, what are you doing with this girl?"

"I'm hanging out with my best friend, what about you? Having fun doing the chilling with your little boy and girl friend's?"

"Quit being petty, Y/n. Look, I feel bad about what I said. I shouldn't have been so hard on you like that."


"Yes, please forgive me. I should've tried to explain it better and now everyone knows about you. I'll have to wipe their memories, unless you can not reveal that you're an alien to everyone."

"I won't to these earthlings. But, Raven already knows. She's half-demon, don't wipe their memories! I really want to be friends and have a normal life here.. everyone seems so nice."

"Alright, be wary of your new friend. Demons, whether half or not are bad news. Stay safe, and make sure to come home before dinner. If you ever need me, call out my name."

"Tuxedo Mask moment, Sai-kun?"

"Shut up."

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