8: Birthday Wish

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Kusuo didn't bother to reject Y/n's hand, she was obviously in a great mood and he had no wish to ruin it. He would never admit it, but she was always more enjoyable to be around whenever she was happy. The girl in question snacked on a crepe as they strolled the streets of Paris at 11 pm on a Saturday. It was one of the many places she had longed to see, Kusuo figured the most harmless way to use his ability to make her day a good one was with teleportation. So far they'd visited Okinawa and Mt. Fuji, they'd seen the great wall of China and had goofed off in Beijing for a while before going to London. Y/n's eyes swept over the Notre Dame in awe, marvelling at it's beauty. Saiki just let her be, snapping a few pictures to show his parents and grabbing a few cheap souveniers for later.

As much as Saiki hated stepping out of his comfort zone a.k.a what he deemed normal, it was worth it in the end to see his pinkette companion's face light up.

"Y/n," His voice rang through the green eyed girl's mind.

"Mhm?" She replied, cheeks stuffed with an ice cream she had bought just seconds ago.

Kusuo just shook his head with a sigh, "It's time to go. We need to make the last two stops before we eat lunch. Let's get some Bubble Tea in Taiwan and then go see Cape Canaveral. You wanted to see a rocket launch at the space center right?"

"Mhm! M'kay!" The girl finished stuffing her face, before grabbing a hold of her friend's hand.

The light green flash temporarily blinded her, but she didn't mind. The bustling streets of Taiwan's capital completely distracted her as she took in the sights of thousands of people moving.

"Oh my gosh, Saiki-kun! Look look~ That temple is really pretty! The roof is super sleek looking!"

"Yeah, I supoose it is."

As Y/n's eyes sparkled with childish glee, a small smile made it's way onto Saiki's face. He would never admit it, he wouldn't admit many things, but meeting her was one of the greatest events to have ever happened to him. Not just because his abilities didn't work on her -for the exception of telepathy and super strength- being around her made him feel normal in his very own special way. He never thought he'd say- or even think- that about a magical super powered warrior space princess, but it brought him a sense of calm to do so. If he was superman, she would be his slightly flawed Kryptonite and he personally wouldn't have it any other way.

"Saiki-kun, you wanted bubble tea right? We should find somewhere quieter than this street. I know how much you hate crowds, where exactly do you want to go?"

Her kindness was never ending, she still thought about him and his prefrences on her unoffical birthday. Like she did every other day. The girl followed behind him, asking Kusuo if he enjoyed his time thoroughly and all things that were entailed within their adventures.

"It wasn't so bad, we can do something like this again next year. If you'd like," The boy answered.

"I'm glad you at least liked today. I've never done anything like this, being with you makes me feel more at home here. Part of me hopes we never part ways, but one day I'll have to leave. Earth isn't where I was born, Tamaran is my birthplace and responsibility. But, I can't help but wonder about life with you there. If we had met there, especially with your comment from earlier... Saiki-kun. If I'm being honest, I don't want you to be a Tamaranean. I like your authentic, earthling, introverted, Saiki-kun-self. You don't have to pretend to be like my race anyways, your already much kinder than most of the people there anyway. We may treasure bonds and emotions, but we are barbarians in our own ways. Next year, if I'm still here, let's do whatever you'd like. That'll be my birthday wish, you earthlings make those right? I read it some where-"

"You talk too much. You shouldn't worry about leaving anyways, you'll be here next year and for the years after that. Who knows, maybe you'll wish will come true in one of them. Besides, we're here. I'll go order, you want f/f, right?"

"Oh yes, and thanks. Kusuo-kun."

The pinkette watched as her purple-eyed friend made his way to the counter of the shop, her fingers intertwined as her forehead rested against the table. Saiki truly knew just what to say, not just because of mind-readings but just because he geniunely loved the people close to him and he took the time to get to know everything about them when he truly cared. He was a better person than he let people think, and it was one of the many things Y/n liked about him.

"I wish we can be together for as long as time allows, Kusuo. You're really the greatest person I've ever met. Thank you, for sharing your day of birth with me."

Hearing such words made a flutter appear in the male's chest, as boring and rude as he tried to come off, Y/n had still thought of him as an amazing guy. Regardless of the fact he had psychic abilities, she found his secretive or indirect acts of kindness to be one of his defining traits. In the very depths of her mind, not one bad thought of him existed and that truly made Kusuo feel joy. With these new feelings, he would (as always) secretly maintain his good friend's wish. They would be together for as long as possible, and Saiki found his usual cold demeanor melting away a bit. He let some emotion shine through, a glint of content resting in his eyes.

"Of course, Y/n. Happy Birthday."

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