14: Robin

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Robin rang the Kaidou residence's doorbell. Medicine, Y/n's favorite food and drinks on hand. A warm pair of sweatpants from Raven, a dinosaur plushie from Mark, and an Electric Blanket from Victor. The door swung open, revealign Mrs. Kaidou instantly.

"You must be Richard, or Robin, yes? Y/n mentioned you'd be coming, please come in." She parted the way for him, "Place everything on the table. She's sleeping right now."

"Thank you for finding her and taking care of Y/n for us. Y/n is apart of a very close friend group. Our friend Mark was crying as I left, he was so worried for her. She hasn't gotten sick ever, I wonder what happened. My sincerest thanks for your help, I brought you some flowers." Robin smiled, holding out roses towards Mrs. Kaidou.

"Thank you, dear. It's no problem, Y/n's a friend of my son. Helping her was helping my boy as well, he's been so worried for her. I had to force him to school," The woman laughed.

"I'm glad Y/n has more friends to look out for her, he must know Saiki?"

The bluenette nodded, coffee cup in hand.

"Would you like to see her?"

"Oh yes, please. I hope she's feeling a bit better."

"She may be a bit hungry."


Y/n rolled around a bit, adjusting as best she could to what she believed was the cold. Her fingertips danced across the top of the covers, pulling them up closer and closer until she was buried. She still shivered, though it was interupted by a knock on the door. Robin was in the doorframe, wearing a suave smile and his usual spikey haired look. He donned a purple hoodie- no doubt one of her own -alongside black ripped jeans and converses.

"Heard you weren't feeling so good, everybody sends their love."  He stepped inside, placing a bag he had snuck past Kaidou's mom on the nightstand.

He swaddled Y/n in the big black heating blanket and plugged it in, dropping the green dino plush under the duvets as he rearranged the entire bed set up.

"Another pair of sweats to wear over your own, it must be hard. You have a fever of 375 degrees. It's gone down from 400, Star. Being sick and from Tamaran is scary." Robin attemped small talk, that failed.

"Listen, Y/n. I know something is going on with you behind the scenes, theres a reason you were crying in the rain and got sick like this, Tamaran powers are based on emotion. You are down in the dumps so bad your body is shutting down and backfiring on you, so while you have someone who knows you closely and can help, you can ask them to assist you. So, Starshine -if your listening- please tell me what's wrong."

A hand curled around his own, Y/n peeked up at him from behind the comfort of her blanket fortress.

"My sister.. she was at the Saiki house this morning. I knew she was coming, I saw it.." A cough racked the blankets, "I went to greet her but she was all over Kusuo- no Saiki-kun and I just got to thinking, what if he didn't like me anymore. What if I wasn't a useful friend to be around anymore? It just escalated and I panicked, my mood just dropped and now I'm in here..."

Robin's face softened, of course it was about her relations with Saiki. He should've expected it honestly, but what can you do when your head-over-heels for a girl who is in love with someone else. Robin sat at the head of the bed, craddling Y/n's crown on his lap. He twirled her pink strands as she explained how anxious she was, what her brain came up with, the feelings of abandonment. All of it went to Robin, who never once strayed his focus from Y/n.

"Yes, I understand. I don't think there's much I can do about that, but I can always listen. If you have any thoughts like that again, call me."

"What if your busy?"

"I'll always pick up for you, Starshine," Robin laid her head back down on the pillows, sliding off the bed and back by the door again.

"Don't leave please, I was comfy."

They stayed in the same position all day, both of them falling asleep with the other held close.

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