13: Jealousy

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Y/n saw the purple light of her sister's decension. She saw her touching Kusuo, but she didn't do anything about it. No matter how much she wanted to punch the shit out of Blackfire in that moment. What hurt her more was how Saiki just looked at her, he didn't swat her away or throw her through a wall or use his ability to get away from her advances. He just let it happen.

This made her newfound anxiety made her heart pound, they seemed close. Had they met before this? Did Kusuo use her to get close to Blackfire? Thousands of what-if's flooded Y/n's brain as she floated away sadly, her mood decresing just like her height in the air until she was sloppily walking in one of the many downpours of Tokyo's rainy season. Y/n's fingers threaded through the fabric of an old blue sweater she had stolen from Kusuo's closet.

She lifted the fabric a bit and cried into it beneath a store canopy.

"Hey, are you okay?" A blue haired boy with red bandages asked.

He seemed familiar. Another woman appeared beside him, with blue hair in a short style and glasses.

"Shun, who is this?" The bluenette adult cut-in.

"Oh mom, this is Y/n. The girl we did Karaoke with, did you fight with your girlfriend or something?"

Y/n shook her head, drying her tears.

"Then with your parents?"

Again a head shake.

"Was it with Saiki?"

A hesitant nod.

"Come on, we'll take care of you and get you cleaned up, Miss Y/n." His mother reached out to her, pulling her under the umbrella that Shun held.


Shun tucked Y/n into bed, she had a bad fever and was burning up. His mother was already off of work and promised to keep his new friend cared for.

He was still worried as he later stepped into P.K. Academy. He sat in his homeroom, pulling out his pens and notebooks to do whatever stupid assignment would take up his time today. He glared down at his math paper, wondering how his pinkette friend was doing while he did so.


All Saiki could hear droning into his head was every thought Kaidou had about Y/n.

"Is Y/n okay?"

"She looked so pale when I left, maybe I should fake being sick or something and go home and check on her- Mom said she'd be okay, sit down Shun. It's fine."

"She was crying earlier.. She said something went on with her and Saiki, I didn't know they hung out much. Then again, Saiki doesn't really talk about his personal life- Dammit Shun, focus!"

"She looked so cute though, all curled up in a blanket burrito like a baby in my pajamas.. hm, Y/n... I bet the two of us could conquer the dark reunion.."

As if Saiki wasn't irked enough, Kaidou's final thought made him wanna get up and through the bluenette through a wall.

"Maybe after she gets better we could go on a date. She said her, Raven and Saiki were just close friends."

He fought the urge to punch Shun in the face and instead opted to leaving the classroom. If she was at the Kaidou residence, Kusuo could just pick her up after school and take care of her. That way Kaidou didn't get any ideas. What was he doing?

Kaidou was right, they were just friends. He had no right to be so overprotective or get the j word over this. He sounded like Teruhashi with this attitude and frankly, he hated it. He hated the ushy gushy feelings, the nasty pounding of his heart, his urge to be around Y/n, he saw her everywhere like she was haunting him and it scared him. More than his brother, more than bugs, more than himself.


It was so scary- he never expected it -it was the one aspect of life he couldn't control and that made him feel fear. As much as he hated to admit it. This jealous feeling as he listened to Kaidou's thought on the girl of his dreams, these disgusting lovey-dovey wishes to be with her, they all had to be controlled.

He hated to feel it. He hated to admit it. But, he needed to win Y/n over before Kaidou did.

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