- day one - (2)

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I let Davide wrap my arm around his.

Mainly because I was in high heels and couldn't walk properly.

But also mainly because I do love to stir the pot a bit and cause some drama.

People who say they don't are liars, or they're just more sneaky with it.

I'd never purposely hurt anyone though. All harmless.

We walk down the deck and I eyeball the floor, making sure I don't get my heel caught in the gap between the planks.

Knew I should've just rocked up in sliders.

And when we enter the villa, we all get a quick tour.

Of the entrance.

Because Liams too gassed to wait to introduce us to everyone.

We stumble our way through the door in our little pairs, and then we're literally right in front of the other islanders.

Talk about being chucked in at the deep end, fuck me.

'Hello hello hello, welcome to our gaff.'

I knew that was Dami. I don't know how. I just knew.

I hug him first, knowing instantly I wanted him to be my bestie in here.

Not in a relationship way, but a vibey friends way.

And as I hug everyone introducing myself, I feel they eyes on the three of us new girls. We were proper being dogged out.

'You know what it is, Dami.' The guy introduces himself to me and I smile.

I'd just found my new bestie.

'Hiya, I'm Lilah.' I greet him back, moving to hug all the boys and then the girls. But only because the boys were the only ones to proper come and say hello to us at first.

Then we all sit around the fire pit as we're grilled.

They ask about each of our dates in turn. Afia tells everyone Liam is lovely, then Ekin Su says Luca is a really good guy to talk to with lots of chat. Then it's my turn.

'So Lilah, how was it with Davide?' I think it's Tasha who asks me.

'It was good, he's really nice. Caught off guard by the accent to start with, but she recovered.' I laugh as the rest of the group chuckle with me.

'But yeah, definitely enjoyed it.' I lie, it was actually a bit awkward. But hey ho.

'So tell us about you guys, where are you from? How old are you?' Amber asks and I hear Davide gasp.

Oh fuck.

Ekin-Su goes first, she's 27 and an actress that's from Essex but originally from Turkey. Then Afia tells us she's 24 and from London, working at a private members club as a host.

Then Davide claps excitedly.

'You are never going to guess who Lilah is.'

He's practically bouncing up and down in his seat.

I chuckle slightly, blushing a little.

'So I'm 23 and I'm from Hertfordshire. And I'm a racing driver.' I smile and they all widen their eyes.

'What?! No way!'

'Her brothers Lewis Hamilton.' Davide says with excited wide eyes and I laugh again slightly as the group all gasp.

'Fuck off. Like actually!?'

'What the hell?'

'Hahah, yeah. Family dinners are shit because I can never do anything as good as winning 7 world titles but.' I shrug and I hear Liam scoff lightly.

'8.' He says kinda quietly and I catch it, pointing at him and nodding my head as I suck my teeth. The people who understand screaming and jumping around laughing.

'But yeah, I drive in Formula 3 for Prema.' I take a sip of the drink I'd collected then place it back behind me.

'Oh so you're like a racer racer.' They all stare at me impressed. 'Well, I try.' I laugh a little shyly, turning the attention off of me by asking who's coupled up with who.

I already knew, but I wanted to see what the islanders actually said.

It's a little awkward I can't lie. The girls all look a little rattled and timid when they answer, whereas the boys seem a little more brazen about it.

Then they ask for an initial top three.

Fuck. Do I lie? I mean I don't really want to tell anyone right now because I don't actually know myself and I don't want to get it thrown back in my face later on.

I'd seen this show before, I knew how bitchy it could get.

I go first.

'I think, Davide's definitely in there, lovely date lovely manners.'

Lie. Lie. Lie.

'And Luca, heard all about the fish slippers.' He laughs loudly as the group chuckle at him.

'And then Liam, you're all gorgeous though and that's just because I haven't had a chance to get to know anybody yet.' I blag my way through it. Not particularly wanting to say my actual top three.


And then a little side note for Dami, who I was going to force to be my friend whether he liked it or not.

Then, fucking Ekin bloody Su. She starts flirting with Davide, WHO FLIRTS BACK, whilst we were sat next to Gemma.

Right next to Gemma.

I was literally in the middle of them, trying not to laugh with wide eyes.

Big yikes.

Then we split off. The boys all head inside and the girls keep us by the fire pit.

And as we're discussing girl code and whether we're here to make friends, Ekin Su fires another one.

'I'm sorry I'm not here to make seasonal girlfriends, I'm here to find the love of my life.' I almost spit out my drink as I chuckle, Gemma beside me not looking happy at all.

See, this is why I didn't want to come here.

I am just gonna be laughing as this place descends in to chaos. I can't take it seriously.

I chuckle with Ekin Su, who asked everyone how old they were all of a sudden.

We get a chorus of 23's or 24's.

And then we get to fucking Gemma.

'I'm 19.'

I genuinely nearly drop my glass.

Davide didn't fucking tell me that part, little bastard.

'Awww, you can be my little sister that I'll protect.' Ekin Su says and I turn from gawking at Gemma to gawking at her. 'Fucking hell, girl.' I whisper, really quietly as I stare at her whilst the other girls carry on talking. She just laughs.

I was still in shock to be honest.

Davide was 27.

Surely they had no chance. They were both at very different stages in their lives.

She was literally still a child, and he probably wanted kids soon.

God what a mess.

Then it's bed time, so I go in to take all make up off, and get changed into my pyjamas.

Luckily I blag a bed on my own, me and my bonnet getting comfy just as the lights went out.

My mind should have been swimming, thinking about my plan of action for tomorrow.

But it wasn't. I was completely zonked.

I just wanted to sleep and not wake up until lunchtime. Which obviously was not going to happen, but knowing that I had a pool to jump into when I got up did help a lot.

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