- day five (3) -

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I head back downstairs with Ekin and Indiyah, grabbing myself a drink as I survey the garden.

Ikenna is talking to Danica on the daybed, Ekin and Davide hurry over to the benches to have a chat, and  Paige, Gemma, Tasha and Antigoni are stood around the fire pit.

'What's up with Tasha?' I ask Dami quietly as he shrugs.

'She's pissed because his heart rate didn't go up for her, it went up for you instead.'

I roll my eyes, grabbing a drink as Indiyah chuckled at me.

'If she's mad at me for that I'm gonna get angry because I did fuck all.' I huff, Dami snorting.

'Why would she be mad at you then?' He frowns and I raise an eyebrow.

'She'd find a way. I feel like with Tasha, she wants Andrew to be into her so much because she needs that validation of him liking her to be able to try and like him.' I speak, mumbling against my water bottle as the girls all looked over at us in the kitchen, so they couldn't read my lips like they were trying to.

'Oof. You're here to cause some shit for real.' Indiyah giggled behind her hand as I smirked, wiggling one eyebrow.

'We'll see how much they all piss me off.' I sip my water as they chuckle.

And whilst I wait for Ikenna to finish talking to Danica, I chat to Luca.

Who was watching the girls at the fire pit, like I was.

'Look at all those chickens.'

I mumble to myself, Luca bursting into laughter and creasing onto the floor as I lean my elbows on the counter.

'Why's Paige mad then?' I furrow my eyebrows, slapping him lightly to stand up and he huffs, a slight grin still on his face.

'Because Jaques' heart went up for Gemma and not her.' I scoff, rolling my eyes again.

'I thought Gemma was supposed to be the child in here, not the others.' I sigh, rolling my eyes as he gives me a warning look.

'I kinda get it though, I felt a little bit mugged off when hers went up for him.' Luca says and I shake my head.

'It's not mugging you off though, they're literally ex boyfriend and girlfriend. There were real feelings there that aren't going to just go away the second they split up. It doesn't mean she still fancies him or likes him, but when you're in a relationship with someone then that persons always gonna affect you. Especially in weird situations like this.' I tell him and he nods, still looking a bit grumpy to be honest.

'And to be fair yours went up for me anyway so you've no leg to stand on pal.' I shrug, flicking my hair jokingly as he chuckles.

'You know I actually think it's a thing in your dna that you can't be serious for more than five seconds.' He chuckles and I shrug with a grin.

'That's because being serious is fucking boring.' I giggle, smiling happily.

'Besides, I don't think Paige seems to understand that the situations a bit different for her and him as to with you and Gemma.' I furrow my eyebrows, Luca turning to me confused. 

'What do you mean?'

'Well, you got with Gemma before Jaques even came in here, and you dealt with it well...ish...' he turns to glare at me as I chuckle, carrying on.

'When he came in. And she got with him knowing that his ex was in here. She can't really get mad at him for being a bit hung up on her when he's trapped in a villa 24/7 with her, and has to watch her crack on with some other Italian dude obsessed with fish. I'd be a bit hung up on it if an ex of mine came in, so would she if she was in that situation. But she knew all of that when she chose to per sue him and couple up with him.' I explain and Luca nods.

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