Chapter Eleven

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Noah's POV
I walk into his room and he's sitting on his bed urging his game to load. He throws a controller to me. I fumble it. I join him taking my rightful spot by his side with the controller, when I hear a crack.

James looks at me, and we both divert our attention to the egg which had been priory just chilling on the night stand, now has a thin crack at the top.

"What the fuck I thought we'd have more time," I say frantically.

I grab my phone and google how to hatch a chick. Turns out we gotta get it out of the thing and just watch it do it's thing.

I lift it carefully.

"MOOOOMMMM," James calls.

James mom rushes in to see the egg on the table.

"Oh shit, she always said she'd do this to at least one of her students," His mom says referring to Ms Turner.

The game loads in but we're to distracted to notice. James dad comes in and his mom looks over to him.

"Go get chick stuff,"

He rushes outside and I hear the car pull out of the driveway. I run to the living room and grab a rag to dry it off since we don't really have a proper incubator.

By the time James dad gets back the chick has hatched.

"Awww we're dads James," I say elbowing him in the ribs. He picks up the chick and puts it in the cage.

"Did you guys name it?" His mom asks.

"Yeah, Meg," James reply's.

"After the T-Rex thing?" His dad asks.

"Duh," We both say at the same time before A high-five.

"Did anything else happen while we were gone?" James eyes lower.

"James had multiple stalkers," I reply rubbing his back.

The door rings, his parents go down to answer it. He hugs me still clearly not over the incident. I let him embrace me and continue to rub his back.

"Charlotte, Reed, what brings you guys here," I hear James mom say.

"Oh good thing you're back after what happened," Reed says.

"What exactly did happen?"

The voices get closer, and I'm still holding James to me.

They come in but Reed had explained everything.

"Oh my poor baby," James mom says.

I know I should let the woman hug her son, but I definitely don't want too, he's basically in my lap and who knows when the next time this happens is.

She shoot's me an understanding look. How does woman seem to already know. Reed goes to make a comment but Charlotte elbows him harshly, and pulls him off into another room, I hear them whisper but I can't make out what they're saying his parents leave the room.

I press my nose into his hair and take in the usual smell, I'm growing very attached to it.

"I don't want to think about it No," he says to me, I try to ignore the fact he called me No, and try to comfort him.

"You don't have to, we can just play the game alright," He nods into my chest and grabs a controller, but doesn't move his body just twist so that he can see the screen.

I grab my controller and choose my Mario character for our race. He turns back to me.

"Ima bout to beat your ass," he says with a playful grin plastered over the betrayal from his girlfriend and fear from the stranger.

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