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Enough years later to warrant a wedding

James POV
Emma fixes my tie with tears in her eyes, it's my wedding day and I'm getting to marry my high school sweetheart how many people can say that. We'll both be walking down the isle together. My fiancé comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist resting his head atop mine.

"Hey Love," he says.

Our four year old daughter runs around the corner and bumps her head on his leg.

"DAD, DADDY," she yells giggling.

"Hey munchkin," I say picking her up and hoisting her by the waist.

"Look at my pretty dress," she exclaims with joy.

"I see, you look so pretty Amy,"

She screeches with delight.

We look at the time. It's time to go we place her with our best woman which we both wanted Emma so we decided to share her. I have Sean still and actually ended being great friends with Payton. I still couldn't name most of Noah's friends and he couldn't name mine. I know Hannah's there. Julia is in jail because she never stopped harassing me. Her boyfriends here though recording the wedding to show her. As a sort of fuck you.

I'm pretty happy with how my life's turned out overall, fuck I'm marrying the love of my life, I have a lovely daughter, the best friends, everything is perfect.

Noah's POV
James looks stunning in his suit, I pull him close and run a finger over the scar on his head. He kisses me gently but I pull him into deeper into the kiss. Emma rolls her eyes and takes Amy off my waist.

"I wanna hang out with daddy?" She pouts.

"Yeah but daddy wants to hang out with dad sweetheart why don't you hang out with aunt Emma," Emma says hoisting her up.

"Okay!" She says cheerfully letting Emma hold her up. They walk out of the room with a happy conversation flowing.

"You look fucking gorgeous, love." I state taking over the job of tying his tie. I intentionally leave it a little crooked.

He flushes and leans in to me.

"Are you ready?" The person who's supposed to give us our cues asks us.

"Never more ready in my life," I say.

Moonlight sonata plays through the green house- I'd feel worse for forcing my guest to sit through the ceremony in my green house if it wasn't the middle of January and like 15 degrees out side.

We walk down the isle greeted by teary eyes of our friends and family, confusion from our lovely daughter, and pure unfiltered spite from Julia's boyfriend. I give my fiancés hand a squeeze and her smiles back at me.

We reach the front of the greenhouse.

"We are gathered here today to witness the  union of James  and Noah. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends"

We look at each other both giddy, if you didn't know us you'd think we were more excited about the joke we're about to pull on the participants of our wedding then being married.

When we thought about it neither of us could think of words to describe how we felt about each other, apart from the occasional annoyed. So we decided to reference something instead. He giggles and my grin widens farther.

"The love I have for you..." he starts.

"Is a love that knows no bounds..." I continue.

"In times of joy as well as sadness..."

"In sickness and in health..."

"I will love you as my equal..."

"And protect you above all else..."

"I will share my truest feelings..."

"And when you speak I will listen..."

"I will catch you when you fall.."

"And when you soar I will help you reach your greatest height..."  I finish his eyes are damp, mirroring mine, but under it all you can see the laughter.

"Wear these rings as a reminder of the vows you have just taken and place them upon each other." I wipe away one of James's tears and place the ring on his finger. He gently places the other on mine.

"James and Noah, you have come here today of your own free will and, in the presence of your family and friends, have declared your love and commitment to each other. By the power vested in me by the internet, I now pronounce you husbands."

He brings me toward him and I feel his hands wrap around my waist. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Emma lowering her hand over Amy's eyes but I'm also quite distracted by the man in front of me. We pull away and rest our fire heads against each other.

And that's that.


Thanks for reading my next book will have the first chapter published soon.


For years Paxton has been a victim of Tristen and his friends harassment, but he never let it break him.

Tristen doesn't enjoy harassing Paxton. In fact it causes all consuming guilt. It's not like he couldn't put a stop to it- he's the alpha for fucks sake. But it's hard to feel anxiety about his rapidly approaching birthday while the guilt eats at him.

Both of the boys problems are solved when their seventeenth birthday hits- they're mates!

Or at least that's how it seems- But Paxton refuses to let fate fix everything for Tristen, he's not ready to forgive so easily and the guilt bites deeper then ever for Tristen.

Join the boys journey through forgiveness, love and self restraint.


Okay so that book sucked the motivation to write out so please enjoy this instead:

A loud clang hits my window disturbing the little peace I could get. I walk to my balcony only to find a rock with a sticky note stuck to it."Hey princess," Was written in atrocious handwriting.I stare at the man below unable to make out his facial features in the dark but I can still see his stance go rigid when he notices I am not in fact the princess he was looking for. He mumbles a few curses before frantically ripping another sticky note and scrawling something on it."Sorry wrong window."

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