Chapter Twenty Three

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Noah's POV
I jump the bleachers and run out to the field. I help carry him. Over to the water bench and lay him out using my lap as a pillow.

"Who the fuck pushed him?" I ask coldly to the other team.

Someone laughs but it's just Julia from the stands.

The nurse rushes out to us, while the players look at each other guilty, apart from one. He had joined back the team from the bleachers.

I read his jersey. His last name is Stoner.

"Stoner get your sorry ass over here,"

He walks over fearlessly.

"Why did you do it," I asked fighting the urge to fuck up his stupid face.

"It was an accident," he says dismissively.

"No it fucking wasn't," I say the urge growing stronger.

I distract my hands by running them through James's hair. Stoners face scrunches up in disgust.

"Is it cause he's gay," I ask angrily, "Is it gross that people can find love when you can't,"

"I have a girlfriend," he argues.

A gorgeous girl steps forward from the bleachers with a drink. At first he seems happy to see her but then she glares down at him.

"Not anymore you don't,"

"Babe-" He starts.

"No, Xander, you don't respect woman you call people slurs you're a racist asshole, you literally piss everyone off,"

She steps down via stairs like lady, walks up to him and throws her drink in his face. He splutters. Before he even has the chance to recover she punches him in the face with crappy form. The teachers pointedly look away.

"No, no, miss," someone on our team says, "Your form was a little off, it's important for a young women to know how to punch, let me show you."

He precedes to punch him in the face with better form.

"Like this?" She asks punching him again with better form.

"That's better," some other guy pipes up, "But I think Noah knows how to punch really well,"

I wave over Emma and set his head on her lap instead.

I walk over and look angrily down on the kid in front of me.

"See miss," I say "While punching is good" and I punch him in the face, "It's more incapacitating when you kick his is microscopic dick,"

Saying this I kick him hard and he falls over.

"Oh that looked mighty efficient," She try's and this time her form is better the kid coughs in pain.

A nurse finally arrives still ignoring us meaning she had been briefed on the situation. She checks up my boyfriend. I walk over and take back my job while Emma asks the girl to demonstrate what she learned so she could try.

"He's okay, I think he's got a very minor concussion, and won't be in practice for a while, it was made worse by going out and further exerting himself," I look down guiltily.

"He might have to stay home for a while, I'd like you to take care of him, we'll give you a note,"

James mom rushes onto the field.

"Where's my baby!"

She does not pointedly ignore the absolute beating in the corner.

"I assume it's being dealt with as it should be," She says nodding in approval at the girls.

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