Chapter 2

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Emma's alarm woke her at the crack of dawn. The sky was void of light and the air was chilly. With a groan, Emma slapped the clock on her bedside table, silencing the blare.

Her limbs were still tired as she hauled herself up and staggered towards the bathroom. A moment later, she emerged, teeth cleaned, hair tied up in a high ponytail and dressed in workout clothes.

She moved lightly as she went to the kitchen, whipping up a protein shake and finishing it before heading out the door, water bottle in hand. She began her jog in the hallway as she head for the elevator. While she wait for the cab, she jogged in place to warm up her body before she went outside.

"3, 2, 1..."

Her head snapped down the hall when she heard a door open. Apartment 321, her eyes fell on Sierra. Emma contained her smile as she studied the woman. Sierra wore a grey and green sports bra with matching yoga pants and white running shoes. Her hair was up in a loose bun with loose strands curling around her face. Her eyes narrowed in on Emma as she too approached the elevator.

"G'Morning." She hit the ground floor button and waited.

"Morning." Emma glanced at Sierra, noticing the missing wedding rings.

"You jog? Where are you heading to?"

Emma shrugged. "Don't know yet. Know any good trails?"

"Not really. I usually just go around the block and through Donovan's park. You could always use the bike trail, too."

Emma nodded. "Bikes. Yikes." The elevator came, and they stepped inside. "I think I'll try your tactic if you don't mind."

Sierra shook her head. "No, not at all. It's a free country."

The elevator door opened to the lobby, and they stepped out into the wide space. The security looked up at them, his eyes focused on the unfamiliar brunette beside Sierra.

"Good morning, Joe," Sierra greeted.

"Good morning. Who's your friend?"

Sierra glanced at Emma, and their eyes met. She blushed as a familiar trill rippled through her. She looked back at Joe, struggling to regain her cool. "We're actually not friends. Emma just moved in next door."

Joe nodded, his eyes looking over at Emma again. She studied him too, adding his face to the list of people to be wary of. They exited the building and his face slipped away from her view. The air was cool against Emma's skin, providing a familiarity she never knew she missed. She breathed deeply, taking it in for a moment before she started off behind Sierra. Her eyes worked over time to study the streets as they made it around the block. She took in every apartment building and empty allies they passed, the faces of homeless people burnt in her memory.

She caught up to Sierra as they bent the corner to circle the block. Sierra glanced over at her at the sound of her approaching footsteps and their eyes locked. Suddenly she was flushed, and Emma knew it wasn't from the run. A smirk tugged at the corner of Emma's lips as she focused ahead, pushing past the blonde. Sierra watched her pass, her eyes falling to the brunette's backside automatically. It took a moment before she could pull them away and, with determined strides, picked up her pace.

They entered the park together, their steps in sync and sweat beading on their foreheads. Sierra picked up her speed, her eyes focused on the familiar path ahead. Emma followed, obedient to Sierra's lead.

Neck and neck, they flew through the park, their steps and pants the only sound around them. What started as an early morning jog was now the Olympic 100m sprint and they both wanted gold. No words spoke between them. Still, they understood what the other was thinking and came to a stop at the fountain, Sierra pushing ahead by an inch. Their breaths came out in short huffs. Sierra stood with her hands on her hips and her head held back as her chest rose and fell. Emma immediately went into a stretch, as if she hadn't just finished a hundred-metre sprint. Sierra watched her, baffled.

Second Life: Book 1 (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now