Chapter 11

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The voice was soft and belonged to a woman. She sat in an armchair across the room, one leg drop over the other. A notepad rested against her thigh, glasses resting on the tip of her nose, as she peered at Emilie.

Emilie stared back, her eyes unfocused.

"Can you tell me how you are feeling today?" the woman continued, with a voice as smooth as silk.

Emilie remained silent, her eyes still distant, the woman's words unregistered. The quiet rotation of the fan provided a calming rhythm, contrasting with the ticking of the wall clock behind the woman's head. Emilie drummed her fingers to it subconsciously as she waited.

"Can you tell me about your relationship with Leia?"

At the sound of her sister's name, Emilie cringed, but nothing else followed.

"Do you miss her?" No response.

The woman sighed, her disappointment casting a frown onto her features. She scribbled something in her book as she continued, still trying to get through to the child before her. "Do you want to tell me about your move to America? How are you finding it so far?"

Emilie's eyes flickered to the woman before she lost interest again and they unfocused. Her vision blurred to black, the calming smell of the lavender fresh office replaced by dirty oil and salt-filled air.

Her head throbbed, a stabbing pain threatening to send her unconscious. She fought it and forced her eyes open, trying to reach for the spot that ached. Something stopped her, restraining her hands at the wrist. She gritted her teeth, looking around, her last memories flooding back to her.

Anger replaced her confusion, the colours of fire burning in her vision. She lifted her head, meeting the eyes of her captors, meeting the eyes of Grace. The coldness of metal against her temple made her head jerk sideways and stole her attention.

The muscular man glared at her. "I could just put a bullet through your head."

Emma swallowed, her throat sliding up and down. "You won't because you don't have the balls!"

Before she could see his reaction, the side of the gun slammed her jaw with brute force, the sound of the metal against her bone echoing throughout the place.

Blood filled her mouth as she fell to the ground, a fresh wave of pain shooting through her. She glared at Grace, all her anger, all her hurt directed at the other brunette. The betrayal she felt prevented her from seeing anyone or anything else, including the look of remorse in Grace's eyes.

The man stood before Emma, bending over his knees until his face was inches away from hers. His breath reeked of tobacco and cigarettes. "That was for Angie!"

Spit flew from his mouth, bathing Emma's battered face. She hid her disgust with a bored expression even as she slipped out of consciousness again.


Pain was the first thing Emma felt. A harsh reminder that she was still alive but not free. Bright lights made her squint, her eyes burning from its sudden monstrosity. She moved to shield her eyes, but once again her hands were restrained. This time, strapped to a small bed by her sides.

The faint beeping of a machine came to her at the same moment a painful groan left her throat. She pulled against her restraints, the muscles in her arms straining as the ropes pulled back. The roughness of the ties bruised her wrist, making a fresh stench of blood perfume the air.

Her chest rose and fell with the quick pace of her heart, her throat parched as she tried to speak. She opened her eyes just a crack, seeing only Grace with her. They were in a tiny room. If Emma didn't know better, she would think she was at a hospital.

Second Life: Book 1 (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now