Chapter 13

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Emilie and Grace came back with their hands full of guns and ammunition. As much as they could carry. They dumped them on the floor beside Sierra's chair and sighed. Emilie snaked her hands around Sierra from behind and kissed the side of her face. "Hmm, I missed you so much. How are we looking?"

Sierra smiled genuinely as she continued to work. "I'm almost done. What do we have there?"

Emily looked back at the pile at her feet, seeing Grace trying to separate guns from grenades from boxes of ammo. "Some toys for us to play with."

Grace rolled her eyes at Emilie's comment, knowing that sounded like something Emma would say. "I know you love your Mac 10, Love, but it's not here, so pick something, anything," Grace told Emilie.

She scanned the pile and noticed a Glock Gen 4. Grace handed it to her without a word passing between them. "Anything else? Assault rifle?"

Emilie shook her head. "No, I just want this, just in case. You and Sierra can go all out, though."

Grace nodded. "Sierra, sweetheart, what are you having?"

Sierra glanced at the pile before pointing. "That one, that one, a few of those and a vest since I'm not a fan of being shot." She turned back to her work. "Em, can you load them for me, please?"

Emilie nodded and reached for the guns and ammunition. With a practised hand, she ejected the empty mags and loaded them with bullets. Grace took her pick from the pile and loaded them, too. She snatched two grenades and a vest that she threw at Emilie. "Put this on."

Emilie scuffed. "I don't need this."

"Emilie," Sierra's voice was pleading, making Emilie surrender.

"Fine." She finished loading the guns and shrugged into the vest. "Happy now?"

Grace nodded, reaching over to press a kiss against Emilie's lips. "Thrilled." She pressed another kiss against the taller brunette's lips, taking a moment to savour the feeling. "I'm kind of obsessed. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Me neither," Emilie's hand found Grace's waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.

Sierra stopped what she was doing to stare, a stupid smile on her face. "I won't ever get tired of seeing that." She beamed.

Grace laughed against her wife's lips. A laugh that only lasted a second before Emilie shut her up by slipping her tongue inside Grace's mouth. Grace hummed, welcoming the intrusion. "Alright! Let's... not...get...carried...away, Love." She managed between kisses.

Emilie caught Grace's lip between her teeth, causing the woman to groan loudly. Sierra giggled. "She doesn't know how to stop once she starts." Sierra offered.

Grace whimpered, her hands finding both of Emilie's thighs. "Sierra, a little help?"

"I don't know. I kind of want to see you get dominated."

Emilie laughed as she pulled Grace onto her lap. "I've missed you, Graciela. So forgive my excitement."

Grace nodded, searching Emilie's eyes and finding the familiarity of her wife within them. "We have all the time in the world, Love. After we find our daughter."

Emilie frowned but nodded. Grace gave her one last kiss before scooting off of her and standing up. Emilie followed, dusting the back of her jeans off. "Well, are we ready? I'm dying to get out of here."

Sierra looked back at her desk and nodded. "Yes. Let's go."

She stood, taking her guns from Emilie and sticking them into her waist, one on each side, along with an extra mag for each. She took two grenades, which she carried in a side bag along with her makeshift flash grenades. When she looked up at the other two women, they were armed and ready.

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