Chapter 8

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Ruffled sheets and half-covered pillows cradled a half-sleeping Sierra. The daylight had stolen the night from the sky, selfishly invading the land of the free. It peered through the window and took residence on Sierra's face, blinding her before she was even aware she was still alive.

Her brows knit in irritation as she came to, her face twisting to evade the gradual heat. Having regained their freedom, her eyes fluttered open, excited to behold the face of beauty.

Her frown returned at the discovery of an empty bed. On Emma's pillow, a small piece of paper sat in a shallow dimple created to prevent the wind from snatching it away. Sierra picked it up, her eyes scanning the perfect and eloquent letters.

Good morning baby,

Sorry, I couldn't be there when you woke up. I've gone to the store to get some supplies. I'll bring you back a chocolate croissant, if you're a good girl, and don't let anyone in.

Love Emilie,

A smile found her face, whisking away the look of sleep and inviting a feeling of joy into her demeanour. Her phone chimed from the nightstand, stealing her attention from Emma's note. She looked at it and saw a text message from Grace.

Gracie❤️: If I don't hear from you by the end of the day, I will file a missing person's report.

Surrendering with a sigh, Sierra dialled Grace's number. She didn't know what Grace's work schedule was this week, so she wasn't sure if she was already at work or not. It was mid-morning, and Grace would typically have a mid-morning break during her work shift, so Sierra decided to try her luck. She'd been ignoring the woman since Emma rediscovered who she was and, essentially, the relationship she'd had with Sierra. Sierra knew there wasn't any reason for her to feel guilty about what was going on between her and Emma now. To be truthful, it wasn't any of Grace's business. Still, she couldn't stop the feeling from consuming her.

The call picked up, and so did her heartbeat. "It's good to know you're still alive and accounted for."

Sierra frowned, the joy Emma's note provided now overlaid by it. "I'm so sorry. I've been really busy and--"

"Sorry, for what exactly?" Grace kept her voice even, trying to reserve her true feelings towards the matter, the small voice in her head successfully convincing her she wasn't entitled to them.

Sierra didn't have a reply or any idea what she was sorry for. Sure, she felt terrible for ignoring the woman. She shouldn't have, but what else was she to do? Grace would've noticed something was different about her, would've sensed it. How, then, would Sierra explain it all?

Leading Grace on was her mistake. Her inability to remain unattached to things and people should've been enough for her to keep her distance, paired with knowing that they could never be, especially since Emma was here now. That's all Sierra ever wanted. To get the love of her life back, and like a wish from a Genie, it was granted.

But now she was scared. Something that she thought was meaningless and harmless took her over like a cancerous cell. She didn't know how dangerous it was. She wished she'd felt it getting to this point, but time flew, and she was having fun. Then before she knew it, she was fucked!

She pinched the bridge of her nose and massaged the area as she sighed. "Grace, I have to tell you something."

Grace was silent for a minute, and it made Sierra nervous. "Okaaay?"

Sierra chewed her lip and pulled herself up against the pillows. She needed to be seated for this. "Remember Emma? I, uh--"

"Stop," Grace told her softly. Her voice was fragile with emotions she didn't wish to display before Sierra. "You don't owe me that sort of explanation. We're just having fun, as you said. I'm the one who's sorry for wanting to be more, even when you've told me you didn't want that."

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