Chapter 2: Tragedy

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"Come on, Iris! We don't want to keep them waiting!" Jasper hollered, "Coming!" Iris responded as she opened the door. She walked all the way to the carriage and got inside along with Rachel. Jasper finished the preparations for the road and got inside the carriage. The horseman closes the door, sits on the perch, and the horses began to move the carriage.

Meanwhile inside the carriage, Iris was looking at the window. Seeing a bunch of trees, grass, and some animals present. Rachel looked at her daughter with a warm smile. "Mommy." Iris said. "Yes?" Rachel responded. "Will daddy really be happy to see me?" She asked.

"Of course he will be." Rachel puts her hands to her daughter's cheeks, "He has been so thrilled when you were in my belly 7 years ago. He had been dying to see you when me and Jasper left. And I know he'll be so delighted to see his own daughter growing up." Iris smiles, as Rachel kissed her forehead to show some love to her flower. "She's right. Look at you. You are growing so fast than any other plant in the forest. We're so proud of you, Iris." Jasper replied.

"Then, how did you first meet him?" Iris asked. Rachel felt a little bit uncomfortable, but Jasper put his hand on hers, a way of telling her 'It's okay'. Rachel took a deep breath of courage. "It happened 9 years ago, while I was making a batch of some tea cookies. Then, I heard someone yelling and fell in my blackberry bushes. When I looked, I saw the strangest person that I've ever seen, your father. We bonded and soon enough, became friends. I even called him Master. He was sometimes wild but knew how to charm people. But most of all, he looked and reminded me of my brother."

"I first saw him 7 years ago, before your mother was pregnant. Back then, I didn't know much about him or who he was. Until he showed up in The Society, right when it was nighttime. Your mother told me all about him right then after, when there was a fire. And now that I think about it, I agree with your mother. I'm sure he would be happy to see-" Just then, they felt a bump. "Whoa!" Jasper responded shockingly.

"What's happening?" Iris questioned. So, Rachel opened the door and looked at the driver. She questioned the driver, "Driver, what's happening?" "It's the roads! We're on the worst part! I don't know if we could make it out alive!" He replied. "Can't you just slow down?!" Rachel again asked. "That would be nearly impossible! Those roads can stop any carriage no matter if they go fast or slow! I would suggest you stay in and protect yourself and the others immediately!" He replied. But then, one of the horses screamed as they stepped on a stone, which made both of them go fast. "Woah! Hey! Calm down! Bullocks, hang on!" He exclaimed. Soon enough, Rachel closed the door.

As the bumpiness rose, Jasper held the confused Iris into his arms as a protectional hug. "Don't worry. It's okay. I got you." He comforted. Jasper looked at Rachel, but then a huge bump made both of them jump in the air. "RACHEL!!" Jasper screamed. In Iris's perspective, she had her eyes closed in the darkness. Then a loud crash was heard. Then just...silent.

Just noise whatsoever...only darkness...until...

"..ris!? Iris! Please wake up!" She thought she heard a voice. It sounded like someone was speaking underwater. But the voice got clearer and clearer. "Iris, please say something! Don't you die on me! Please!" She opens her eyes slowly, and soon enough, Jasper was here looking down at her. With marks on him and his clothes a little torn up and some dirt. His worried expression turned into relief. "J....Jaspy...?" Was the only thing she said.

Jasper then hugged her in happiness and tears streamed down his cheeks. "Oh thank god you're okay! I... I thought you were dead!" A warm smile went on her face, but...

"What happened to mom?" She questioned. "Huh?!" Jasper got worried and stopped his cuddling. Him and Iris looked at the destroyed carriage. With the dead driver, horses, and sadly..."Mommy!" Iris shouted, before running to her lifeless body. She tried moving her body to see if she would wake up, but since Rachel was dead, she was unsuccessful.

Iris was heartbroken, her mother just died without reason. It felt like she was helpless to save her. Soon enough, she started to cry like a waterfall. Her soft crying made Jasper devastated at the loss of Rachel. How could this happen? It was if God played a horrible trick on them. But something caught his eye. Something that sounded like paper.

What he saw, was a letter. He picked it up and began to read silently. This wasn't just any letter; it was Rachel's letter to The Society. As he reads more and more, its as if he started to understand it. And a small smile appeared on his face. He turned to Iris who stopped her mourning. She looked up at him with tearful eyes.

"C'mon sweety, we're heading to The Society your mother and I met. Those folks are so friendly, that they would be happy to see you. Maybe even your dad." Jasper said calmly. "Are...Are you sure Jaspy?" She questioned. "Trust me, sweetie." He replied. Iris stood up, and walked with him. "First we're heading to Old London, it's where The Society is located. It isn't that far from here, so long as you and I can make it." And with that, Jasper let out a cough. That made Iris confused. Why was he coughing?

"Jaspy? Are you alright?" She asked. "I'm alright, I'm probably having a cold. But I'm sure it will go away eventually." He replied. But Íris wasn't sure about that. Then again, she didn't want to bother him with questions. So, she left it at that.

As time went on, they crossed a lot of things in their way. However, Jasper's health was getting worse and worse every day. Whenever Iris or himself get hungry, Jasper carried some berries in his pockets and shared some with her. Things were going pretty well, Until...

It was morning. They we're getting closer to Old London, because they can hear the town and the people. "Looks like...we're almost..." Jasper coughs repeatedly while trying to finish his sentence, but he didn't. Jasper went into a complete stop in exhaustion and loosened his grip on his half-daughter's hand. Íris turned around to see her half-father on his knees, coughing.

"Jaspy!" Iris said as she ran towards him, "Jaspy! Please, what's wrong!?" She questioned in a panic. Jasper responded with hard coughing. He looked at Iris with a small smile on his face.

He reached in his pocket and pulls out the letter. Then he gave it to her, to which she took it in a questionable and scared look. "Iris, listen carefully, I won't be able to make it to The Society with you. Which is why, I want you to get there on your own, safely as possible. But know this:" He touched her hand softly in reassurance. "I'm sure your dad would be so proud of you the way he'll be right now if he were here. Take care Iris. And remember, we'll always love you in the end." His eyes were slowly closing, and he was slowly laying on the ground. As his eyes were shut, he let out his last breath.

And before that, he had perished.

Iris was saddened. She was just about to cry, but moved the tears aside. She had so many questions. Why was he coughing, how was she going to find The Society for Arcane Science, and will she be able to see her father at last?

She didn't know but kept the letter in her hand. Iris looked at the sunlight from the bush. She walked closer and went through. As she walked through it, she slowly opened her eyes slowly when it was bright, then it died down a little bit. And to be told:

Iris was finally in Old London.

The Cursed Iris (The Glass Scientists fanfic story) (slow writing)Where stories live. Discover now