Chapter 3: The Society for Arcane Science

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This is it. It's finally it. She made it. She made it in to Old London. It was unlike anything she has ever seen. The townsfolks were wearing fancy clothing that she can't even describe, the buildings were stunning like old history, and the carriages looked beautiful than the one she was in.

At long last, Iris finally made it to Old London. And all that's left to do, is to find The Society for Arcane Science.

She decided to walk and look around the town. She remembered her mother telling her that it was bigger than any other building, and that it was runed by a famous doctor/alchemist. As she looked around, she took a stop. But when she looked up, she saw The Society at last.

"There it is!" She said in happiness. She hasn't seen it so big before. Her mother was right when she said that it was big, in-fact, really big. So, she went inside. But when she entered, no one was there. Iris became cautious. But saw so many things before her eyes, mostly, the leviathan skeleton in-front of her.

"Wow." She says, she hasn't seen something like that at all in her life. But her curiosity turned to fear when she heard someone coming. So in a hurry, she hid somewhere. The footsteps grew louder and louder, until they went into a halt. Iris covers her mouth, so she wouldn't let anyone hear her breath of fear.

Then the person started to hum before speaking with a sigh, "Where is he? He said that he would be talking to me right here. Great. Why is Jekyll so late at this time?" The person said. Iris was confused. What was that person talking about, who is Jekyll, and what was it they wanted to talk to him about? So in curiosity, she took a tiny peak from her hiding place. What she saw, was Robert Lanyon. He looked like he was aggravated.

That was when he turned to look at Iris. His aggravated face turned into confusion as he sees her. "Hm?" But Iris went into fright and hid back into her hiding place. "What in the!?" He became confused, so he went over to her hiding place and found her cowering in the corner. Oh gods. A girl? What in the world is a girl doing here? How did she get inside The Society? He thought, but pay no mind since he was now dealing with a scared plant. "Um...Hello there." He puts his hands up in reassurance. "I'm not here to hurt you. Just, don't get apprehensive. Okay?" Robert said, but that made her even more scared.

"S-Sorry! Please excuse me!" Was the only thing she said to him before running off in a hurry. "Hey! Wait!" He called out, but it was too late. She was gone into the building more than ever. "Damn it." He facepalmed in stupidity. Then he looked back at her hiding spot, and spotted the letter. "Hm? A letter?" He picks up the letter.

"Is this something the child dropped?" He questioned to himself. So he started to read it silently, but became more and more surprised as he read more and more into the letter. "Oh dear..." "Robert, Is something wrong?" That made Robert jump a little and look behind him. It was Dr. Henry Jekyll.

"Henry! Thank goodness you've arrived." He said to him. To which Jekyll questioned, "What do you mean?" Robert stood up and handed the letter to him, "Take a look at this and you will see why." He replied. So Jekyll took the letter and began to read the letter silently. The letter reads:

"This letter is to Dr Jekyll, to the lodgers in The Society, and to Master Hyde.

I don't think Jasper and I will make it out of the bumpy roads alive. So for this, I want you and the others to give her the life we weren't able to give. Give her the life she deserves. And the underlying love she never has in her life. If you ever find our corpses in the forest, please, take our bodies to our caskets. Also, make sure her stuff doesn't get left behind, including her wheelharp. I believe that you all will take good care of her, and teach her new things she would do in the future. And I believe it would be the best decision to tell her more about her father. Never let me down and make me smile once him and I are in the afterlife with my young brother.

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